5; jokes

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They took the subway to Peter's appartement, and walked up the stairs together, Wade following Pete closely. He put his rusty key in the door, unlocked it, and with a bit of force it swung right open.

"May? Are you home?" He yelled out, his echo repeating it. He walked into the living room, looking around and then he spotted a pink sticky note on the coffee table. The spider walked over there and picked it up, his eyes quickly scanning over the paper.

"Hospital needed me again, emergency. Don't sleep too late please, i love you x - May" Read the note. Peter walked back over to Wade, who was still standing in the doorway. 

"Would you like to come in?" He softly spoke, a small smile falling over his lips. He locked eye contact with the Wade, waiting for a response.

He nodded with a smirk, and then followed Peter back inside, quietly shutting the door behind him.

"I can make you some tea? Coffee?" The spider asked, as they walked into the living room together.

"I'm good, thank you." Wade politely declined, not wanting to be a burden.

Pete struggled to kick his shoes off in front of the closet, and went to sit down on the old sofa. Deadpool sat down a few inches away from him.

"I'm sorry, we don't really have an impressive or big appartement, but you know it works for us. It's just me and May anyway, we don't need much more." Peter said quietly.

"Don't apolagize for that. Your appartement is lovely." Wade said, looking at Peter.

"Should I check if there's anything fun on tv?" Peter asked, gesturing to the rather tiny television.

"Yeah, sure." Wade smiled at him.

They flipped through all the channels together, until they finally found some dumb ass show both of them wanted to see. Wade was watching the show very intensely, slightly chuckling at the stupid jokes.

After some time, Peter got the courage to carefully rest his head against Wade's shoulder. His heart was beating slightly faster. They comfortably watched tv for a little while.
Wade laughed at a penis joke, and Peter rolled his eyes.

"You are such a child." The boy started laughing.

"It's hilarious." Wade said, acting very offended.

Peter turned to give him a serious look, that said that-was-the-unfunniest-joke-ever, except he did find it funny, so he couldn't exactly hold the face for very long.

He started giggling and his eyes were met by Wade's. They both went quiet, the television noise fading into the background. Wade leaned a little bit closer, his face only a few inches away from Peter's. A smile fell over the spiders soft lips.

Just as the boy was going to lean in a bit more, a loud noise coming from the streets outside made Peter jump up. He went over to the window to see what it was. After one look he burst out laughing. Wade gave him a puzzled look.

"Some drunk dude walked into a pole, that was the bang we heard. He's just laying on the ground now." The brunette said, still laughing his ass off.

Wade started laughing with him, and came over to the window to see it for himself. When they finally managed to stop laughing, both of them sat back down and watched the small tv again.

Peter felt his eyes getting heavy, and he struggled to stay focused on the screen. Comfortably he leaned his head against Wade's shoulder. It felt comfortable, sort off safe. He smelled like a mix of forest and Mexican food. While slowly drifting off, he moved his pinky closer to Wade's.

Carefully, the mercenary moved his hand the last bit towards Pete's, and he hooked his pinky with the boy's, kind off like you would a pinky promise. The spider grabbed on a little tighter, and moved his head more comfortably, about to fall asleep.


Peter woke up from the front door opening, and he slowly sat up, coming to his senses. Someone must've put a blanket on him in his sleep, he gently pushed it off of him and went to look who was at the door.

"Petey! Why are you still up for god's sake?" Aunt May asked worriedly, as she saw him.

"I was watching TV and I guess I fell asleep." Peter let out a yawn, and stretched his arms.

"Honey, it's nearly 2am please go to bed now." May said, as she pulled him in for a hug.

"Yes, May." He said, the exhaustion dripping from his voice.

"Gnight May, I love you." Peter mumbled, walking into the bathroom.

"I love you too Petey, get some rest now." She softly replied.

He turned on the light, and his eyes had to take a second to adjust to the sudden brightness.

After going to the toilet, he walked back over to his room. He closed the door behind him, and sat down on the bed. The brunette didn't have the energy to do any of his night time routine, except get changed into his pajamas– and 'forgetting' to take off his binder. 

Before he went to sleep again, he decided to quickly check his phone. '1 new message from Wade. - 2h ago' popped up on the phone screen. He clicked on the notification and unlocked his phone.

wade: sorry i left without saying bye, but you were sleeping and i didn't want to wake you, you seemed like you needed the sleep :)
peter: that's really okay wade, i had fun tonight at the movies, we should do that again sometime
peter: says you
wade: Pete. you were tired as shit please go to sleep now
peter:  FINEEEE but only cus it's you
goodnigjt wade
wade: goodnight peter

When Wade got back at his appartement, after deciding to leave Peter to get some sleep, he sat down on his big ass couch, and continued watching the same show they were watching earlier, yet it felt different. Did he really miss Peter that much already?


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