20; blonde

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Peter woke up in his room at May's. His chestnut hair was a curly mess, and the bags under his eyes seemed bigger than ever. The spider grabbed his glasses and looked in the mirror.

He got dressed in some baggy jeans that he thrifted, and Wade's hoodie. With one arm, he stuffed all of the things on his desk into his old backpack, that was about to fall apart. The boy had cereal for breakfast, before running out the door to school.

When he arrived at school, he quickly went into the bathroom to smoke a cig, where he was met with his best friend MJ, about to light one.

"Care to share?"

"Sure, whatever. We have class in 4 minutes anyway."

He took the cigarette from her hand, taking a hit. The first ones were always the best, so he made sure to enjoy this one.

"I am not mentally ready for our presentation." Peter groaned.

"Me neither. I texted you last night, why didn't you reply?"

"Oh uhm- Wade was over, so I couldn't reply right away."

"So. You and Wade, getting busy?"

"Can we not talk about that?" Peter huffed, his usually pale face was a crimson red color.

"Okay. I just- Peter, I care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you again. With Flash, seeing you like that, it destroyed me. If Wade ever tries anything like that, you tell me, okay?"

"Okay." He gave her a soft smile.

"I'll introduce him to you soon enough, I promise.


"So that concludes everything on our presentation about exoplanets. Are there any questions?"

The entire classroom was silent, so the teacher nodded to tell them they could go sit back down. MJ held out her fist, and Peter bumped it, smiling.

"Nailed it." She whispered.

They sat down next to each other, as the next duo walked to the front, getting ready to present. The spider rested his head on his hand, struggling to keep his eyes open.

When science was finally over, they met up with Ned during lunch. May had packed him a sandwich and an apple, which he gladly ate. Once the brunette finished eating, he put his head down on the lunch table, letting himself drift away.


MJ gently shook his shoulder, trying to get him to wake up. He groaned, still not moving from his spot. Annoyed, she shook him harder until he finally lifted his head up.

"We have class."

He got up, not replying to her, grabbed his backpack and swung it over his right shoulder. Still drowsy from his nap, he followed MJ out the cafeteria.

"You good dude?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired."

"Mhm. Sure."


Peter just finished school, and was on his way to the appartement, when his phone started ringing. He grabbed it from his pocket, and looked to see that May was calling.


"Hey Petey. I'm working a long shift tonight, I think it's best that you stay at your dad's tonight. I called him, he said it's no problem."

"Okay, yeah. See you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Bye Pete, love you."

"Love you too May."

wade x peter : only youWhere stories live. Discover now