9; vodka

721 26 14

Trigger Warning; sexual assault
nothing too graphic, but still mentioned.

Peter got to Stark Tower after what felt like the longest effing Tuesday ever, and with a sigh he took the elevator up. He walked in and saw his parents, and his guardian all sitting at the table together.

"What did I do?" He asked, a little scared at this point.

"Nothing. Sit down Pete." Steve opened.

He dropped his heavy school bag to the floor, and sat down across from them, bouncing his leg up and down out of nervousness.

"Peter. There's something you should know. Wade isn't dead." He continued.

"I know."


"Dead people can't really text now can they?"

"Right. Well the three of us talked, and we decided that you can be friends with Wade." Steve said hesitantly.

The boy could see Tony Stark staring at the wall, anger in his eyes, biting on his lip. His eyes widened in shock.

"How come?"

"We had a long talk about it. You did make a good point on how he doesn't kill just anyone." He sighed.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome Petey." May joined the conversation.

The spider hugged his aunt tightly, and then his dad. Tony on the other hand, 'didn't want a hug'.


Peter went to his room to 'make homework'.

Yeah, right.

The boy checked his phone for what felt like the millionth time at this point. Why hasn't Wade texted him back. He kept re-reading every text he sent, thinking maybe he just annoyed him too much.

peter: morning :)

peter: hey Wade

peter: wanna hang out today?

"Did I say something wrong?" He mumbled to himself.

Peter laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling for a couple hours, hours that he should've been spending on his English essay.

Happy drove him and aunt May back to their appartement, and May immediately went into the kitchen, getting started on dinner.

The spider went into his room, curling up into a ball against the wall.

"Did he just use me?" Kept repeating in his head. Over. And. Over. Again.

He's been through this before.

But- Wade, he seemed different.

A good kind off different.

Maybe he was wrong.


Peter arrived at school right in time. Still no word from Wade. He slammed his locker shut, angry. Feeling used.

He finished his lunch, and went to the bathroom to hide for the remainder of the break.

The bell rang, and he walked to his math class. The spider sat down next to MJ, one of his only actual friends.

"Dude you look depressed." She opened the conversation.

"Do I ever not look depressed?"

"No like more depressed than usual."

wade x peter : only youWhere stories live. Discover now