26; feel good

630 22 17

// smut ahead!!! I'm so sorry if it's bad, if it is give me feedback please.


Wade was in the middle of what was possibly the hottest make out session ever when the worst thing in the world happened; they were interrupted. His hand left the arachnids waist, and he slowly pulled away. He admired the soft pant that escaped Peters lips, and the way his eyes were begging for more.

Peter looked at him with a soft but readable expression, it said; Wade please go get the door and come back to me, now. The Merc followed his love's silent pleas, and he laid him back down on the couch. It was funny what some motivation can do to people, because within mere seconds he was back besides his boyfriend with a bag of burgers.

Peter grabbed the bag, and put it on the coffee table, which sent a clear signal to Wade that they weren't going to be eating just yet. He crawled across the sofa, and sat down on Wade's lap, straddling either side of the merc's hips.

The spider leaned in close, planting soft but sloppy kisses on Wade's neck. A trail of purple bruises started forming, and he started working his way to his ear. "I want you." The words escaped his lips in a pant, desperately. Those exact words caused Wade to fully forget his own name, so incredibly focused on Peter, so incredibly horny.

Wade's hand was dangerously slow as it inched up Peter's thigh to careful meet his hips. He didn't dare go any further or lower than his hips without consent, he wanted to avoid pushing Peter into a pit of dysphoria.

He could feel hot puffs of air hit his scarred neck as his boyfriend leaned down to whisper in his ear. Nothing innocent was ever said in a Whisper like that, especially from someone seemingly innocent, just like Peter.

"Let me make you feel good?" He asked gently, the whisper causing a chill of excitement to run down Wade's spine.

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, I'm sure. I want to taste you, please?" He bit his bottom lip, as he looked up at the man, waiting patiently for an answer.

"Peter, I'm not prettier under my clothes."

"I think you're beautiful." He muttered, sloppily leaving kisses on his neck, his hands on the man's waist.

Wade looked up at Peter, he could feel the way his spider shifted excitedly on his lap, causing a friction that had his blood run to a certain parts of his body. He couldn't refuse, because all he wanted was that pretty little mouth around every inch of his dick.

"I want to do this for you, baby. I wouldn't have brought it up if I didnt. We don't have to though, only if you want to." Peter said, a soft encouraging smile on his lips.

"Yes, please. I want you, Peter." Wade said, his voice coated in desperation. His hand reached up to cup the slides cheek, his fingers tracing over a line of golden brown freckles. "Just be careful, don't push yourself-"

There was only a faint "shut up', as he got on his knees, lowering his lips to the bulge in the leather suit. He pressed a gentle kiss against the problem area, carefully watching as Wade repositioned himself to be more comfortable.

The Merc felt the wet, sloppy kisses from Peter as he struggled to get the leather pants undone and pulled down. Wade eventually gave him a little help tugging them off, revealing his spiderman boxers. Peter blushed, but he didn't dare say a word as he leaned down. He softly let his tongue explore the clothes base, causing his boyfriend to let out a soft groan. His skinny fingers slid through the waist band of his boxers, seemingly innocent brown eyes sliding up to meet the mercenaries icy blue one's.

A low groan escaped in DP's throat, watching as his boyfriend pulled the boxers off. The blood has rushed all the way to his tip drastically. Peter mentally glowed, knowing that he did that.

He carefully wrapped his hand around the larger man's dick. Peter leaned down to press his parted lips around Wade's sensitive head. He planted a sloppy kiss, before sucking softly. Slowly, he slid his head down to the middle of the merc's base.

The brunette analyzed the situation, watching Wade's every move. He took in every movement, every squirm, every every single jolt of the hips. He listened for his heartbeat, and soft moans. He wanted to make absolutely sure he was doing everything right before starting completely.

Wade ran his hand through Peter's chestnut messy curls, before allowing his head to fall back against the couch cushion. He took in a sharp breath, feeling his love's wet tongue move sloppily around his textured skin.

Peter could feel the throbbing around his mouth, as he pushed his head down, taking in a careful breath. He pushed down slowly, taking in all of Wade's eight inches. The spider suppressed a gag, staying at the bottom of the member for a second. He stayed down there for a moment, getting used to the feeling. There was a pause before he pulled up, only to begin a slow bob.

Wade let a moan escape his lips, and he let his teeth sink into his bottom lip. His big hands kept a firm grip on the boy.

Peter started at a careful pace progressively going faster as Deadpool's moans werent just soft angelic noises anymore, but whispers of the boy's name.

"Fuck, Peter." He moaned, his hand roaming through the messy hair encouragingly.

It felt good giving head to a guy who wasn't trying to shove his dick so far up your throat that it basically reached your stomach. It wasn't until Peter took the dick into his throat that Wade absolutely lost it. Uncontrollable moans left his lips, getting louder every second. New York Appartements were dangerously thin, but that was hard to remember once as Peter put his tongue to use. His tongue flicked along the large cock he was so kindly taking care of, his small hand rubbing a soothing circle into the man's hip.

He slowed down, teasing his boyfriend aw much as he could. With another dip back down to Peters throat, Wade lost it.
The mercenary came in white ribbons at the action. He could feel Peter swallow around him, before pulling up for a harsh gasp of air.

"Swallowing, like a good boy.."

"Yes sir." Was all he said as he smiled sweetly. Oh how he lived to please.

His veiny hand wiped the saliva on his lips off, his breathing still fast and heavy. A red blush fell over his cheeks, as he looked up at his boyfriend who was clearly still in shock.


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