10; lying

726 25 6

(Peter sobers up faster because of his fast spiderman metabolism)

Wade got him some coffee from the McDonald's drive through, but at that point Peter had already come to his senses.

"Thanks for picking me up, Wade."

"Don't thank me."

"Sorry you had to see me like that." He mumbled.

"Peter. Stop worrying, for the love of god. Please."

A smile fell over his lips.


Peter sipped from his coffee, watching the landscape pass by. His eyes were analyzing the cherry red interior of the car.

"Do you like it?"


"The car." Wade smiled, at this point he had taken off his mask.

"Yeah. It's pretty."

Peter didn't know much about cars- like at all, but he knew this one had to be expensive.

[He's so precious. I can't.]

"Do I drop you off at your appartement?"

"Yeah. That'd be nice."

The merc nodded.

They drove further together, until finally Wade parked in Peters street. Peter turned his head to look at Wade, with a smile.


"You're pretty, Wade."

"Stop looking so smug." Peter said annoyed.

"Can I?" Wade hummed, carefully cupping Peters face in his hand.

"Yeah-" Peter said, hesitantly, from what happened earlier.

"You sure?"

The boy answered by kissing Wade.

"I guess you were." He mumbled through the kiss.

The merc pulled the boy closer by his neck, his other hand moving some hair out of the way. Their noses bumped together, making both of them smile for a split second. Wade's hand moved from Peter's neck to his side, when he got close to where his binder was, Peter panicked. The spider swatted his hand away, and pushed himself back, away from Wade.

"Hey- I'm sorry, are you okay?" The Merc asked.

'This is wrong. He should know you're not a real man.' Kept repeating in Peters head, until he finally broke the kiss.

Wade looked at him, slightly confused.



"There's something I haven't told you. And its not fair to you that you don't know- I mean you should know. It's like I'm lying to you-"

"Peter. Deep breaths." Wade interrupted him. They made eye contact for a second, and Peter let out a hesitant breath.

"I'm not a real guy." The spider mumbled, a lump in his throat. His heart was beating faster, afraid of Wade's reaction.

"What do you mean?"

He took a deep breath in, preparing himself to be beat up. He was probably stronger than Wade, but was in a bad position to fight right now. Peter looked around, listing the different ways to get out of the car if Wade would react badly.
The doors weren't locked, so that'd be his first choice. If that didn't work he could still smash the window with his elbow, and dive out of it head first, sprinting for his appartement. God it's scary coming out.

"I'm- I'm trans. I was born a girl."

It was silent for a second, his heartbeat increasing by the second.

"Do you think that matters to me?" Wade said, looking at Peter with sadness.

"It doesn't bother you?" The spider said, on the verge of tears.

"Why would it? I like spending time with you, Peter. You being trans doesn't change that, in any way shape or form." He said reassuringly.

"Oh thank God." The boy smiled.


Peter woke up with what felt like the worst hangover ever. Like Jesus fucking Christ. After making it to school- barely in time, he sat next to MJ in English class.

"Jesus Peter how much did you drink last night??" MJ chuckled, looking at the spider with his head down on his desk, every sound being way too loud.

"Shhhh. Quiet." Peter said.

MJ gave him a kick against his shin from underneath the desk.

"Auch. What the hell?"

He looked up to see his English teacher looking at him with disapproval.

"Alright, as all of you know, your English essays are due today at midnight." He said, walking to his desk at the front.

Shit. Shit shit shit. The 2000 word english essay. Today. Fuck. Better get started on that when I get home.

During lunch, Peter and MJ were sharing a cig in the broken bathroom, where no one came anyway. His phone dinged as he was inhaling, and he picked it up to look.

'new text message from 'wade' "

wade: hey peter

He decided to text him back.

peter: hi wade!!

wade: would you wanna go out tomorrow?

Peter threw his phone across the room, his face going red.

"What????" MJ asked confused.

Peter hesitated for a second, feeling his heart beat faster, and his hands getting sweaty.

"I think I just got asked on a date??"


The spider walked across the bathroom, to grab his phone from the floor. It still worked- thank the Lord.

"Just this guy-" He mumbled, smiling.

"How'd you meet him????" She asked eagerly.

"I was on a roof-"


"NOT LIKE THAT JESUS. CALM DOWN." He yelled, laughing.

"Anyway, we've seen each other a couple times but I didn't think he liked me that much."

"What do you mean that much????"

"I don't know, we've just kissed a couple times-"


Peter shrugged.

"Do you like him?"


They sat in silence for a while, Peter smiling uncontrollably.

"What do you think it means tho??" He asked, unsure.

"He asked you on a date. Duh."

Finally, he decided on what to text Wade back.

peter: yes, i would like that :)

wade: pick you up tomorrow at 6?

peter: great!! can't wait, what're are we doing?

wade: cocaine, maybe a little heroin

peter: mhm?

wade: it's a surprise. you'll have to wait and see.

peter: see you then wade

"I'm going out with someone." He grinned.


if you see this, lmk what you think so far! I'm going to try to update Wednesdays and Saturdays :)

wade x peter : only youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat