7; rain

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After they finished their lunch, Peter went back into his bedroom. He sat down on his bed, playing a game on his phone.
He must've fallen asleep, because he woke up a couple hours later. Looking at his phone to check the time, he decided it was probably a good time to go on a patrol. 


"Hey Pete." She said, out of breath with her bag in one hand and a coat in the other.

"Hospital?" Peter asked.

She just gave him a quick nod, putting on her shoes. May walked over to him and pressed a kiss against his forehead.

"See you tonight Petey." She said, walking out the door.

"Bye May." He said, hearing the door fall shut.


Spiderman swung back inside through the window he left from. After getting changed out of the suit, he went to the bathroom.

He took a shower, to get the New-York-Smell off of him. The brunette walked into the living room, drying his wet hair with a towel. Peter picked up his phone and decided to call Ned, see if he wanted to hang out tonight.

"Hey?" Ned answered.

"Hi Ned, it's Peter. Wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tonight? We could watch a movie or something?"

"Ohh, I can't tonight man, I'm busy."

"Oh- Yeah that's alright! I'll see you at school tomorrow." Peter said, a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry Pete."

"Hey, don't worry about it! Bye Ned."

"Bye Peter."

He hung up the phone call with a sigh.
The spider turned on the TV, and just watched a dumb movie until May got home from the hospital.

The door opened, and his aunt came in after a long day of work.

"Welcome home!" Peter chirped, turning off the television.

"Hey Petey." May said, putting her coat and shoes away.

"I'll get started on dinner." The boy said.

Peter made a pasta with broccoli, and they both enjoyed the dinner very much. After the spider and his lovely aunt both finished eating, they sat down on the couch and watched some television.

"I'm gonna go to bed." Peter yawned.

"Okay, goodnight Petey."

"Goodnight May." He mumbled.

Peter wasn't able to fall asleep yet, but instead wasted some hours on meaningless content on his phone.

At around 3 in the morning, the boy was finally able to get some rest.


The brunette woke up from aunt May entering his room.

"Peter! Why aren't you up yet, school starts in 20 minutes!" She yelled.

"Shit." Peter mumbled, remembering how he smashed his alarm clock on accident.

He jumped and started getting ready, running out the door 8 minutes later.
The boy ran into school– somehow with a minute left to spare. Peter grabbed his maths book from his locker, and while he did that the second bell rang signaling that class has started. He quietly entered the classroom, trying to not be noticed by the teacher, since class technically already started.

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