38; people help the people

574 19 17

Peter woke up to his phone alarm going off, and to Wade being gone. He sat up, looking around the room. He knew his love was still in the appartement though, because he could hear the quiet footsteps through the hall.

He slipped out of the comfortable bed, texting MJ while doing so. Pete asked her if she could wait for him outside of school, because Wade wanted to say hi. He was so happy his boyfriend wasn't as anxious anymore to meet his friends.

"Morning." He yawned, walking into the kitchen where Wade was making coffee.

"Morning bed bug. Sleep well?"

"Yeah, quite okay actually."

"That's good." Wade hummed, before handing Peter a warm cup of black coffee, just the way he liked it.

"Don't forget your meds." He spoke softly, to which Peter nodded in reply.

The brunette took a long sip from the coffee, before speaking again. "I'm gonna go get dressed, mkay?"

"Okay. I'll get some breakfast ready for you."

"You're an angel." Peter smiled softly, before leaving the kitchen to put on his outfit of the day. He slipped on fresh boxers, and some baggy jeans.

His fragile hands slowly peeled off the bandages on his chest, looking underneath them. The bruising was basically gone, and it didn't even hurt anymore. Peter knew this was a bad idea, but he put his binder on. Dysphoria was too much of a bitch for him to go out without it.


Wade pulled up in front of his boyfriend's school, quickly parking the car. Peter had already spotted MJ leaning against the side of the building, so he quickly waved her over as he got out of the car.

"MJ, this is Wade. Wade, MJ."

"Good to meet you." Wade smiled softly, reaching out his hand for her to shake, hiding his anxiety as much as possible.

"Good to finally meet you too. Pete here will not shut up about you." She teased him, to which the brunette rolled his eyes, covering his face with his hands out of emberassement.

"So Pete, how many people are on your weekly newsletter about our relationship?" Wade joked around.

"Oh shut up." He grinned, gently shoving Wade to the side.

"I gotta go now, bell's about to ring and I gotta get some stuff from my locker." Peter spoke.

"Okay honey."

Wade pulled his boyfriend in for a soft goodbye kiss, which Peter gladly accepted, before they parted.

"I love you." Peter mumbled, smiling while doing so.

"I love you too Pete."

They waved goodbye. before Peter was following MJ, they walked into the school building. They had science, so he had to get his text book from his locker.

"You picked well. I think. He seems nice enough." MJ mumbled.

Her approval means a lot. Especially to Peter. She was all he'd had, at the worst parts of his life. So if she liked Wade, he must've really caught a good one.


Wase was getting ready to go over to his and May's appartement, having the television playing in the background. Suddenly, the regularly scheduled program got interrupted by a live broadcast.

"There is a fire in an apartment building on second street. Emergency services quickly arrived at the scene, and just now spiderman was seen entering the burning building."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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