35; wakanda

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Peter was looking outside at the dark sky contrasted with the lights filling the city, as they took off. He usually got pretty anxious on flights, considering how loud they were. But it wasn't as bad with Wade here. Even with their high speed jet, it was still a three hour flight to Wakanda if everything went right. Tony and Steve were sitting more towards the front, Iron Man still making calls, while Captain America was watching the news.

Wade was sat next to his boyfriend, who was cuddled up to him with his head on his chest. Peter listened to his lover's steady breathing, feeling his chest go up and down. His Spidey senses made that he could feel and hear everything, from every little shaky breath, to every beat of his heart. It was comforting.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" The brunette asked quietly, knowing it would be a long flight and he needed something to distract him.

"Yeah, sure."

"Which one?"

"You can pick, honey." He said softly, as he placed a soft kiss on Peter's messy chestnut curls. The brunette purred in happiness, loving the attention Wade gave him. And mainly loving Wade.

The spider turned on the television screen on the back of the seat in front of them, and he clicked on some random movie Netflix suggested, before giving one of the wireless earbuds to Wade.

Peter laid back down next to Wade, who wrapped his arms around his boyfriends waist, pulling him in as close as possible. His cold hands slid underneath Wade's hoodie, feeling his warm skin, and softly stroking circles on it. As much as the spider tried he couldn't really pay attention to the movie that was playing. A million thoughts were inside his head. A million.

He heard every single sound the motor made. Every click the plane made. He felt every tine wave of turbulence. He heard his dad breathing. He could hear his dad's heartbeat, even though he was sitting 7 rows away. He genuinely felt like he was going crazy.

Everything around him was stressing him out. Peter tried to push it away, to ignore everything, to focus just on the movie and Wade's company, but he couldn't. A silent tear rolled down his cheek, onto Wade's hoodie.

"Wade?" He sniffed.

"Baby? Are you okay?"

"I love you.."

"I love you more Petey." Wade whispered, genuinely worried for his boyfriend. Seeing him like this, it was scary.

"I love you the most."


The spider was woken up by the shockwave going through his body that was the plane landing at Wakanda. He slowly opened his heavy eyes, trying to understand what was going on. Soon Peter realized they'd landed, and pushed himself up, so he could look out the window. The beautiful landscape of Wakanda immediately put a smile on his face.

As soon as they got off the plane he was greeted by one of Shuri's warm hugs. He hadn't seen her in so long, and even though the circumstances weren't great he was happy to be here.

"My favorite cousin!"

"Shuri!" He laughed, holding onto her a little tighter.

"So is this Wade?"

"Oh shut up." He playfully punched her shoulder, chuckling while doing so. "But yes, this is Wade. My boyfriend." He glared at Tony as he said the last part.

"Good to meet you." Wade smiled, holding out his scarred hand for Shuri to shake it, which she gladly did.

"Good to finally meet you too! I've heard sooo much about you." Shuri made an emphasis on the so much, which earned her a kick against her leg from Peter, who smiled awkwardly.

wade x peter : only youOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz