Chapter 01

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Akash and Khushi were sitting at a cafe planning their last chance to capture Arnav. They have been trying to catch him red-handed several times but always the plan goes wrong as if someone is informing Arnav about their moves.

"Akash, we cannot afford another failure. The chief has given us the final warning. If we aren't successful this time, he will close this case for good and we cannot afford that. We have 6 months to do what we have to do"

"Khushi, I understand but we have tried everything we had on our sleeves. I don't know how we can succeed in 6 months when we couldn't do it for the past 2 years"

"Akash, I have a plan. But promise me you'll support me on this? Promise me you will not try to talk me out of it?"

"Khushi, why do I feel you have a crazy plan that involves risking your life?"

"Akash please, you know how important this mission is to me"

"Shoot, let's hear it but no promises until I hear the plan"

"Well, I was thinking of going undercover"

"What? Are you crazy? Khushi, our best of best agents tried going undercover and that guy sniffed them out in no time. Not to forget three out of five have gone awol. We assume they are alive but what's the proof we have"

"I know Akash, but for them, this was another mission so they might not have given their 100%. For me, this is personal as well, so I will give my 200%. I also have someone neither of those agents had"


"You. I know you are here for me Akash. Please let me give this a chance. Even if I fail, I won't feel bad because we failed after trying everything"

"But Khushi, the chief will never let a junior agent go undercover. It's a suicidal mission Khushi"

"That's why I am going on leave for 6 months. I have managed to get a letter from one of my friends that I am attending a work-study for 6 months. So there won't be any questions raised"

"So basically, you have planned everything? You weren't asking me but were telling me of your decision? If you have everything planned out why do you need my approval Khushi?"

"Akash please, we both know you are the closest I have to a family. I don't want to do this without you. I need your support throughout. Please"

"You know even if I do not agree with what you have planned, you always have my back. But please be careful, the minute you feel threatened leave"

"I promise Akash, I hope this will work"

"Now, what is your plan? Go undercover as what? No one knows where he lives or how to meet him?"

"He is attending a party at town hall this Friday. He will be the chief guest so there is no way he will miss it. He needs these parties to show that he is a law-abiding citizen and to hide his crimes"

"Ok, but how are you going to meet him or what are you going to be? When it comes to girls, he throws them after using them"

"I have a plan"

"Khushi please don't tell me you are planning on doing something that both of us would regret for the rest of our lives"

"Idiot, if you are asking whether I plan on sleeping with him, then no I am not. But what if I am the daughter of Dheeraj Silva?"

"Dheeraj Silva? He is the guy who died a few years back right? The drug dealer from Goa?"

"Yes, I did my research. Silva and Arnav have never met, they've never done business together. But Anand used to work with him. I can probably make a lie so he would let me into his circle"

The Guilty OnesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara