Chapter 30

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"Now, that's a bad habit, Miss Gupta, even after giving you full transparency, you are acting like this?"

Khushi received a text message from Arnav. She was confused about what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?"

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit, Miss Gupta. The door is open so you can come in"

Khushi put the phone back into her pocket and opened his room door. She was looking around to figure out how he knew she was outside the room.

"What are you looking for, Khushi? Maybe I can help you find it if you tell me"

"How did you know I was standing outside your room?"

"Oh, Khushi, I can feel you around me. We are sharing this invincible bond where we can feel each other. Don't you feel that way, Khushi?"

Saying that Arnav started walking towards her. His eyes were fixed on hers. That gaze was way too intense for Khushi. She quickly looked down avoiding his eyes.

"What are you doing Mr Raizada?"

"What do you think I am doing Miss Gupta?"

"You are walking towards me but I don't know why"

"Ask yourself, Khushi, you know why I am coming towards you"

This time his voice came out as a whisper.

"I am not going to fall for this again. I am leaving"

"Go ahead, I am not holding you"

Yet he did not stop and took a few more steps towards her closing the gap between them. Before Khushi could move he quickly wrapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her towards him.

"You had the chance Khushi and you didn't take it. Now I am holding you"

"A..r..nav.... Mr... Ra..i..zada... wha..t ar..e..'

"Umm, let's see, oh yes, I am trying to get to know my future wife Khushi"


"Yes, I figure since you no longer have a case against me, why waste time on useless things? Let's get to know each other. These four and a half months will go within a blink of an eye"

"What made you think I no longer have a case against you?"

"So you haven't put the flag down yet? Impressive, still I would like to get to know you, Khushi"


Khushi was speechless. The way he said that made her believe he meant what he said. That thought made her taken aback. Would she like if he wants to get to know her? Would she want to get to know too?

"Silent doesn't suit you, Khushi. You have a beautiful voice, so use it"

"I...I... don't know...."

Arnav loved how his close proximity is affecting her. He wasn't planning on anything like that but whenever Khushi is near he seems to lose his mind. His logical thinking gets replaced by these unknown desires.

It's not a secret that Arnav has had a number of girls in his life. But he has never felt this way about anyone. Ever since he saw her that the party with a knife across her throat, he felt this pull towards her. The person who was famous for using girls like tissue paper wanted to protect this girl at any cost.

He would never risk his life for anyone, but when he saw Sheetal was about to pull the trigger without wasting a second or thinking about the consequences her jumped in the middle. He was ready to give away his life happily for her. Whatever he was feeling for her is something new. Something he has never experienced.

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