Chapter 42

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Arnav and Khushi stood by the large window that opened to the valley behind. She always admired the architecture of this house. Every room has its own unique feature. Whoever planned this house must be a genius. 

"Khushi, remember I told you that when you first came here I did a background check on you"

"Yes, the one that you hide for so long while letting me make a fool out of me"

"In my defence, I did give you a chance to come clean. Anyway, when I knew everything about you I assumed the real reason for you to come was to spy on me. But as you know now, I have nothing to hide"

"Yes, I know that now. Again, you did a great job hiding that too"

"The first thing I did was to call and check with your boss to know the reason why he sent an agent to spy on me when we had a strict NDA between us due to the classified nature of our businesses together"

"What, you told him? Did he know? I am screwed. You said you didn't tell anyone. So you lied again"

"You have to understand Khushi, I am in a contract to supply them with what they need. But our agreement was they never ask my sources because by naming my suppliers I am risking their lives"

"Yes, I know. But at least you should have talked to me first"

"I would have if you came here with an open mind. You had a preset mind so nothing I said would have mattered to you that time"

Khushi gave that to him. He was correct, she wouldn't have believed him at all.

"But I made him promise me he will never confront you and he agreed. But we had a bigger problem on our hands. You are a freaking good agent and your boss knew you will figure everything out in no time"

"That's true. I am one hell of an agent. It's just you had a tab bit of support than me. Otherwise, I would have crushed you to the ground"

Arnav ignored the self-appreciation comments Khushi was making and continued his side of the story. He will have a lifetime to deal with these tantrums and these innocent comments.

"So, we had to make sure when you figure everything out how we are going to stop you"

"So you thought getting married to each other will prevent me from sharing the truth behind you and your little government friends?"

"I had the same reaction. Believe me, getting married was not in my books and especially to a person who has vouched to make my life hell"

"Then why did you agree? You could have gone with anything. Why marriage"

"It was the only legal bounding option we had Khushi"

"Legal bounding option? How come getting married to you will legally prevent me from sharing anything?"

"Well, the initial idea was to include spousal testimonial privileges to our wedding contract. What they suggested was to first get this six months contract in place which we have now. Then by the end of the fifth month, the lawyer was going to get us to sign a marriage contract which has these privileges for both of us"

"Spousal Testimonial Privileges? You've got to be kidding me. They have never been used before"

"Yes, Khushi, they were ready to do more than initiate a stupid rule that we only had in books. That was the reason I agreed so that we both are protected. Mainly you"

Khushi understood what he meant by being ready for more than that. She has seen how deep they can go to protect things they want to get protected. 

"They assured that by signing that both of us will be precluded from testifying against each other whether it's in a court hearing or for any legal matter. So they thought that is the best way to make you keep it a secret and I agreed given the level of other options that were on the table"

"Damn it, Arnav, you all thought of me as a pet doll whom you can dress up the way you like? I am a real person, I have my own identity and last of all, I should have had a choice"

"Khushi, I gave you a choice, either walk away or sign the deal. No one forced you. You chose this path"

"But you knew I was just chasing a mirage. You could have told me without making all these deals"

"Look, Khushi, you and I both know if I told you I am innocent that time, you would have never believed me. As I said, you did not have an open mind to understand my point of view. You decided I am a criminal before you even met me"

"But why marriage? I wouldn't have said anything anyway. It's a national security issue so why would I? I wish you asked me once before making all these decisions for me Arnav"

"I know it now. When I first met you, for me you were an agent who lied to me and to your boss. An agent who was going on a rogue mission. So I had to protect everyone and I decided to sign that first contract. Then I got to know you"

The last words by him made Khushi look at him.

"What? what do you mean by getting to know me? "

"With each day, each hour, I got to know you, Khushi. I realised how pure your intentions were, how realistic you are and I realised you are better than you show"

That comment caught her off guard. Arnav is praising her and she is not comfortable when someone praises her. Especially if that person is Arnav.

"Yes Khushi, the way you looked after me after I got shot made me understand you are way better than what you claim to be. You have a heart of gold. I realised you are a person who would give your life to protect others. Unfortunately, by the time I realised, it was too late to go back and change the contract we signed. But it wasn't too late to burn the other contract they had made for us"

"What? You didn't go ahead with that other contract? Why?"

"Look, Khushi, you and I both know we are way past the formalities. We both share some kind of a bond. Therefore,  I didn't want our life to start with a lie"

Khushi struggled to answer him. She wasn't expecting him to be this outspoken about them.  

"I never thought you will confront me on this and I was confident that you will always keep this secret with you. So what's the need for another contract which would complicate things?"

Khushi didn't know what to say or how to react. She was glad Arnav didn't go ahead with the initial plan. Signing that would have taken her freedom of speech. But Arnav made sure she continues to have the freedom of speech.

For the first time, she looked at him with a broader mindset. This man standing in front of her is her best friend's brother, the main man behind supplying weapons to forces and the man behind her support. He has been nothing but supportive ever since they met.

But this same man is having a bad image outside because others want to protect themselves. Can't he see that he has been thrown under the bus?

"Arnav there is a world out there fearing for you. Because they think you kill people, sell drugs and are like a mafia king. This is the image your little government friends created about you"

"Khushi, I wanted it to be like that. No one created anything. We live in a world where kids will be automatically recognised depending on their parents. My dad used to do all these things and people assumed after his death I took that upon myself"

"But don't you want them to know the truth? You are helping the forces to protect the country but you are labelled as a criminal"

"Khushi, I have a number of suppliers who wish to remain anonymous. So if my continuing this image would prevent them be it"

"But I don't want people to call my husband a criminal"

Hearing that Arnav looked at Khushi. Even though as a way of annoying her, he has called her his future wife many times. But this is the first time she addressed him as her husband and her tone was serious. Meaning she meant what she said. 

"Miss Khushi Gupta, am I mistaken or did you just propose to me indirectly?"


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