Chapter 12

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"Marry You? Are you joking?"

"Do I look like I am joking? I am serious. Either you get your proof and I go to jail or you don't find anything and get married to me. Because if it goes on your way, my life will be in your hands and if it goes on my way I will make sure yours will be on mine"

"I am not going to marry you. That's final Mr Raizada"

"Oh Miss Gupta, you don't trust your self do you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I am not asking you to marry me today. It's an option. If you trust your instinct and find proof against me you don't have to marry me. Simple as that"

"For your information Mr Raizada, I despise love and marriage"

"Now, who said anything about love? Are you under the impression that I asked you to marry me because I am in love with you? Oh Khushi, you are so naive. I also despise love and marriage but the deal has to be fair for both sides"

"If you despise it too why don't you come up with something else to deal with?"

"As much as I hate marriage, it is going to be fun looking at you suffer every day for the rest of your life"

"Really? How can I believe you? You might have already hidden all the proof"

"You have full transparency for all our past accounts and anything we will do in the next 6 months. You'll be my PA so you'll have access to everything. Even for my emails"

"You aren't joking?"

"No, I am dead serious. In fact, I will get my lawyer to prepare a contract and we can get things to move ahead"

"I will need a day or two to think about this. I will let you know before the end of the week"

"Take your time. But don't take too long because who knows I might change my mind"

Khushi was about the leave the room when she realised their position. Arnav was still holding her on her waist and she was gripping onto his shirt collar. Neither of them realised they were so close to each other until Khushi moved her hands away from him. Arnav also removed his hands releasing Khushi.

Khushi literally ran to her room. She needed to breathe, she needed some time alone to think about what happened. They were so close, that she can still feel his breath. Khushi took her phone out and went to the bathroom. She turned on the water to that the sound won't go out.

"Akash, I am glad you answered the phone. I need your help. I am in a dilemma"

"Khushi, is everything ok? and You can talk? How are you feeling now? What did the doctor say?"

"Akash now is not the time for this small talk. Listen to me very carefully. First let me finish the whole thing before you cut me off for questions, ok?"

"Ok, go ahead"

Khushi explained the whole conversation she and Arnav had. However, she purposefully ignored the fact of their close proximity because she knew how bad it will look.

"Are you kidding me Khushi? You cannot agree. He is trying to ruin your whole life. What if you end up getting married to him?"

"You mean to say you don't trust me? You don't think I can find any proof?"

"Khushi think, why would he give you such a proposal if you have the slightest chance of finding something? Why would he purposely go to jail? He is making a fool out of you Khushi"

"Akash, believe me, I thought that too. But he is whiling to give me full transparency. Ok, let's forget about the past business. He might have already destroyed the evidence. But is anything future? I will have a chance."

"I don't know Khushi, I feel like this is a trap"

"You tell me, what other options do we have? If you have any other plans I am all yours"

"I don't know Khushi, I am just worried for you"

"Thank you Akash, I don't want to gamble my life either. But we are out of options at this point."

"You know the guy better than me Khushi, but I want to meet him face to face before you go into this deal. If he agrees then I will support you. Otherwise, I will inform the chief and this whole operation will be doomed including both of us"

"Akash, don't be stubborn"

"No negotiations Khushi, I am the closest you have to a family and I am not going to let you jump into the well without me knowing the depth. Simple"

"Ok, I will talk to him and see what he wants to do"

Khushi discovered the call and this time she didn't bother turning off the phone. There is nothing to hide anymore.

She walked towards Arnav's office room. His office room door was open and she had a peek through before entering. Arnav was on his chair, his head was up and his eyes were closed. It looks like he is in deep thought. Khushi thought for a second and decided to come back and was about to turn around when she heard his voice.

"Miss Gupta, if you need to talk do come in, and if you were here just to look at me, feel free to do so"

His eyes were still closed, his face was still up.

"How did you know?"

"Intuition Miss Gupta, it's called intuition. Now tell me why are you here?"

He straightened himself on the chair and gestured for her to take a seat.

"Actually, my friend and my work partner, want to meet you face-to-face before I sign the contract"

"You mean to say, you have decided you want to sign the deal?"

"Yes, I am going to take all the chances I can get to make sure you are behind bars"


"What do you mean by Ok Mr Raizada?"

"I said, Ok, I will meet Akash tomorrow at 10.00 am"

"But how did you know his name?"

"Background check? Remember Miss Gupta?"

"Oh, ok. I will let him know"

"And please tell him, not to bring his chatty girlfriend though. She can be a nuisance. She doesn't like you much does she?"

"How do you know about Payal?"

"Background check only says the basics, Miss Gupta, sometimes you'll need to go a little extra to know about someone. I always love to have a personal touch when I do a background check"

"You met Payal? She spoke to you?"

"Money can make anyone open their mouth, Miss Gupta. By the way, if you are done, please close the door behind you. I forgot that we no longer have privacy in this house"

Angry was an understatement to explain Khushi's situation. If Payal was in front of her she would have killed her right there. Khushi rushed out of the office room and went to her room. Took her phone out and texted Akash.

"He is ready to meet you tomorrow at 10.00 am. Please don't be late because he values time more than anything"

She wanted to let him know about Payal but then thought to inform him in person. 


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