Chapter 02

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Arnav stood in front of the mirror. Today he has to go to a fundraiser organised by the city council. His name and image all depend on the number of these community events he attends.

As long as he gets enough publicity and money, he is protected by the higher power. Not that he needed protection from anyone, but he wanted to keep a low profile.

"ASR, are you sure about this? This is the third event you are attending for this month"

"NK, I have told you multiple times, do not question my decisions"

"But ASR, that place is in the middle of the city and has no proper protection. I have allocated extra security but due to the location of that place chances are still higher for something to go wrong"

"I am ASR, Arnav Singh Raizada, there is no one in this world which can harm me. I choose my fate and my destiny, no one else has the right to write it for me"

"I tell you ASR, this same ego will drown you one day"

"Don't forget this same ego made us who we are today"

"There is more to life than business, dude you need to live a little"

Arnav didn't bother answering. NK was his childhood friend. NK's father and Anand were friends. While NK's father used to do all of Anand's dirty work, Anand took care of NK's education.

NK is the only person in the world who can face Arnav without having to fear his death. Although he is from a criminal family, his personality is totally different from Arnav's.

Nk is a fun-loving, outgoing person. He is Arnav's right hand. He is the only person Arnav trusted other than himself.

Deep down, NK reminded him of his younger brother who he lost when he was young. However, his heart is filled with anger and hatred which pushes down his emotions.

He wanted to remember his brother but his mind always warned him remembering him means Arnav becoming vulnerable.

Therefore, he has locked all his childhood memories deep down where no one will ever bother to look.

"I am leaving ASR, I have to talk to the security chief and make sure everything is in order for this evening. See you"

"Ok, will catch you in the evening"

NK left Arnav's room and took his phone out to text LA. LA is NK's long term girlfriend.

NK: He'll be out for the night. So you can come here and we can spend some quality time together.

LA: Are you sure? You know he gives me goosebumps.

NK: He is not as bad as you think. Once you get to know him, he is the sweetest.

LA: The whole world will disagree with you NK. So could you stop trying to defend him?

NK: Forget about him, Can you come?

LA: Not tonight NK, Dad is home and he won't let me leave at night.

NK: Oh well, that's fine then. I will go with him then.

LA: Sorry babe, next time for sure.

"How many times do I have to tell you, that girl is playing"

NK heard Arnav's voice behind him. He turned his head to see Arnav peeking into his screen from behind.

"Don't you know it's rude to read someone else's text messages?"

"NK, that girl is playing. She is bad news. In fact, all the girls are bad news. Love itself is bad news"

"Arnav my brother, there will be a time when you find that girl who will sweep you away and that day, I'll be here to answer"

"Me, in love? NK, wake up. That day will never come"

"Let's see"

"Ok, let's see"

"I don't understand why you loath love so much"

"Because it makes you weak. My dad had cancer and ever since he died my mom was left alone. She became so weak that she chose to die than live for her children"

"ASR, She did not kill herself. She met with an accident. How many times do I have to remind you that"

"She wouldn't have gotten out if not for dad. She went to buy dad's favourite flowers for his 3 months death anniversary. If she didn't love him that much she would have been alive"

"I don't know how your head is wired. Other kids will kill to have parents who love each other and you are hating them for that"

"Love made me an orphan NK, if not for Anand Pa, I would have ended up on the road. He taught me life is short and not to waste it on silly things like love"

"So you mean to say you do not have a girl in your mind?"

"A girl?"

"An avatar of a girl whom you going to spend the rest of your life"

"What the hell are you talking about NK?"

"So you will be single forever? never get married or never let a girl into your life?"

"Are you crazy? I did not create this empire by dreaming about girls NK. You have to be practical in life. Money is the only thing you need in life. Even this so-called love can be bought"

"I seriously pray to god that make you end up with a female version of yourself. That way you will understand how annoying and impractical you are when it comes to love"

"That's interesting NK, If you find the female version of me, bring her and I will get married to her right here right now"

NK knew this story will not go anywhere. Arnav is the only piece for the whole world. He left there leaving Arnav to think. Arguing with Arnav is like stabbing on your own.

"Mr Raizada, we have a problem"

One of Arnav's employees came and stood in front of him. Anyone who looked at him can see the fear in his eyes. He knew going in front of ASR means nothing but death.

"What did you say?"

"The work you asked us to do couldn't be completed. The council is not whiling to pass the order"

"So? I can't see the problem here. Go to the council, meet the councilman, the chief or freaking PM, I don't care. I just want my work to be completed in a week"

"But sir"

"Can you do this work or not?"

"Sir, actually....."

"Yes or No?"

"At this stage No"

"Sam, come here and take this man away from me. He should never come in front of me. Understood?"

"But Sir, the work you are asking is impossible"

"How long have you been working for me?"

"Two years Sir"

"So by now, you should know the word impossible does to exist in my dictionary"

"Sir, please give me another chance"

"You had one when I asked you the question if you can do this or not and now you lost it"

"Sir, please sir, I have a family"

"I don't care and get the hell out of here. SAM....... now"

Arnav called his head of security. Sam understood the hidden meaning behind Arnav's words.

Love and Hate have a thin border. It only takes a second to turn from one to the other. 


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