Chapter 36

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Khushi saw the text message from Akash and she had a hunch about why he is asking her to meet him. Therefore, she asked the driver to drop her at the cafe and leave. She can ask Akash to drop her off. There is a high chance he would want to meet Arnav.

"Akash, what happened? Why did you ask me to come back?"

"How did you get this photo? and why do you have it?"

"What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Khushi, answer the damn question. How did you find this photo?"

"A friend gave it to me"

"Who is that friend? You don't have any other friends Khushi so the truth please"

"Why are you so after the photo?"

"Khushi, I am asking you for the last time, how on the earth do you have a photo of my parents?"

Although Khushi knew this was going to happen, hearing it from him gave her chills. Her best friend, her only friend in this world who has been looking for his long-lost brother for years has finally found him. She was happy for him.

The person her heart skips a beat each time she sees him also found his long-lost brother and Khushi was happy for Arnav too.

Now comes the reality check. One is a special agent who works for law enforcement and the other one is an alleged criminal who works against law enforcement. One is the sky and the other one is the sea. They can never meet. Just like her and Arnav.

What she forgets to realise is that the horizon is a place where both the sky and the sea meet each other.

"Oh my god Akash, I had a hunch, I felt this can be true but knowing this is actually true I don't know how to react"

"Khushi, you said you already found this boy in this picture. You do realise he is my brother don't you?"

Khushi didn't know what to say. She is the only person in this world who knows their truth. Introducing both of them can either make or break them.

"And, when you say you had a hunch, how long have you known?"

"Akash, calm down. Have a seat and let's talk"

"Calm down? Khushi, I am about to find out about my brother whom I lost years ago, I am about to meet my only living biological connection and you want me to calm down? Cut the crap and tell me everything"

"Ok, here goes nothing"

Khushi explained how Arnav shared about his family and how she asked NK to give the photo. How she put two to gather and assumed this could be that they are related.

"And you kept it from both of us for all this while? Just because you were busy figuring out your feelings for him?"

"It's not like that Akash, I didn't want either of you to end up getting disappointed if this was not true"

"At least you could have told me, Khushi. My brother was fighting for his life in that hospital and I only visited him once. If you had shared this as soon as you knew I would have been there for him. Imagine if something happened to him that day. Would have lost him forever"

"But Akash, I didn't have a photo that time. I only knew his story and I only had my assumptions. Believe me, I want the best for both of you"

"No, you don't Khushi. You want what's best for you. It's your plan, your assumptions, your theories, your choice, and your life. Nothing else matters to you. Your love towards your job has made you inhuman Khushi"

This is not what she expected from Akash. She thought he would thank her, he would be happy, and he would rush her to take him to meet Arnav. But he stood here blaming her. She felt disappointed. 

She has always thought of his happiness. His girlfriend has put her life in danger by exposing her for a little amount of money. She didn't utter a word. He put her life in danger when Mishra tried to kill her, she never blamed him. His brother-in-law is making her investigation impossible, she never raised a voice.

"Don't you dare say such things Akash, I have always been there for you? Even in this, I could have let it go. But I went out of the box to find out the truth. My only mistake is that I didn't want to hurt you with false hopes"

"Didn't want to hurt me or him?"

"What? You really think I have a problem with you both knowing the truth?"

"Feels like it"

"If that's the thing, why would I give you this photo?"

Khushi stood up. She couldn't take it anymore. He knows the truth so he can do whatever he wants to do.

"I am leaving Akash, You can do whatever you want. But only talk to me when you realise your mistake"

Akash felt bad. He was being hard on her. She was not supposed to go this extra mile to help him. It doesn't matter what has happened, because now he knows the truth. Deep down Akash knew the real reason behind his anger. He didn't want to accept the fact that his biological brother could end up being a world-class criminal.

"I am sorry Khushi, I overreacted. It all unravelled so suddenly. I didn't know how to react so I took out my frustration on you"

"Akash, I am not your punching bag. I can be there for you but I do deserve to be respected"

"I understand. Please don't go. I don't want to be alone today. I can't share this with Payal or anyone in my family. I need you, Khushi. I am sorry"

"Akash, this is the first and the last chance you get. One more insult and I am out of here and out of your life"

Akash went towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for finding him for me Khushi. Does he know?"

Khushi broke the hug and replied,

"No, he doesn't. It's not my story to tell Akash. Come with me, let's go and you can meet him"

"Khushi...? Akash....?"

Both Akash and Khushi turned around to check the loud voice that came behind them. Khushi saw Arnav standing a few feet away from their table. His red eyes were enough for Khushi to understand what was coming next.

"Arnav, I..we.. did you... when... I mean, how long have you been standing here?"

"Long enough to know the truth" 

Arnav got a little scared when his driver told him that he left Khushi at the cafe. One thing Arnav knew well is that he had enough enemies. Two of his enemies already attacked her. Although they were able to save Khushi from Mishra and Sheetal, there is no guarantee this will be the case every time. 

Therefore, as soon as he heard his driver, he rushed to the cafe so that he can safely take Khushi home. His anger disappeared as soon he entered the cafe and witnessed the most unorthodox confrontation in his life. 


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