Chapter 39

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Arnav, Khushi, Akash and NK were sitting outside discussing the possible breach that might have happened years ago at the AR Group.

"Arnav, how can that be possible? Anand uncle was very precise about his deals and who he recruited. I don't think anyone would have dared to cross him"

"NK, she has proof of paper. Whoever did that never thought to get caught? And also imagine if someone from the AR group died from a fire that happened during a business party, there should be some sort of proof. But there is not even a new paper article"

"I agree, and to smash down a house and build a cafe knowing there is a rightful owner living is a little doggy"

"Khushi, can you remember anything about that night? I mean, anything weird?"

"Guys, I was only 12 at that time. But one thing I wondered a lot when I was a kid is about the work my dad did. He never made us wait for anything so I am sure whatever he did, he got paid well. I have never been to his office or I have never seen anyone coming to meet him at home"

"Not even a friend?"

"No, not even a friend. I didn't have many friends back then either. It was always just the three of us. We hardly went out. But mom and dad always went to few work parties a year"

"Khushi, did they take you to their funeral? I am sorry, this may be a sentimental question but I am just trying to get my head around"

"That's the thing NK, the last I saw my parents was when they left the house for the party. I mean, I understand I was a kid without any guardian but I should have been entitled to see my parents' bodies. The police officers came and informed me about the fire, then mentioned they were killed by the fire, arrested the baby sitter and handed me over to the lady from the orphanage"

"How about we check with that lady? She might be knowing something?"

"I tried asking her when I was about 15 or 16. But she didn't know or didn't want to share. But after a year she left the orphanage and another lady took over"

"Dead ends everywhere. But I must say, whoever planned this was a mastermind. Anyway, let's dig some more archived paperwork to see if we can find anything"

Saying that Arnav left the place leaving the other three.

Over this period Arnav and Akash bonded well. Akash spent most of his free time at Raizada's house. Because of that Akash and NK also started bonding. Khushi couldn't help but to admire the three musketeers.

However, Khushi's situation was no better. Her time has almost run out with only less than two months left. Her investigation hit a pause with no evidence, her parents' death is still a mystery. In fact, it has strangled more.

The worst thing is at the end of two months there is a high chance she might become Mrs Raizada. The bright side is Arnav and Khushi have also been boding. They have been spending a lot of time alone in Arnav's office finding out about her parents. 

Not once he tried to cross his limits. It's like there is unspoken, unwritten respect and willingness to understand each other to keep bonding them.

It was evening and as usual, the three boys have left for their evening run and Khushi was in the library going through some old boxes she found in the attic. She has gone through two out of three boxes already but didn't find anything useful. 

Almost losing hope she opened the third box to find something interesting.


She saw the red confidential file with a date on it.

"This is 8 months ago. So I guess I can open this without having to ask from anyone"

Saying that she opened the sealed file. The first page gave me the chills. The things she was after almost 5 months are finally in front of her.

AR Group of Industries - Archived Business dated xx.xx.xxxx

This letter is to confirm that AR group of Industries will stop conducting business with ********** corporation and ********* Limited starting from xx.xx.xxxx

AR group has officially issued a legal contract to the Assistant Police Commission agreeing to corporate as an anonymous witness proving details about illegal business interactions they conducted between xxxxxxx till the date.

In return,  the Assistant Police Commission agreed to provide witness protection to Mr Anand Singh Raizada and his family for a period of xxx years. However, this agreement will be void if either of the party breaches any contents in the following agreement.

Khushi looked at the agreement and found out that the witness protection has ended 8 months ago. That means any single evidence against them can make her succeed.

Without wasting any second she continued to go through the file to find an envelope addressed to Mr S. Gupta. Her heart started beating faster than ever. Finally, something that links her father to AR Group. 

So far the contents in that file were not positive. Khushi looked at the envelope trying to decide what to do. Her chain of thoughts broke when she heard someone knocking.

"Khushi, what are you doing here?"

"Oh Akash, please come inside and close the door. Actually, lock the door"

Once Akash closed and locked the door, Khushi handed him the file.

"I know you said you don't want to be a part of this investigation but please Akash, I need the second pair of eyes. Have a look and let me know"

Akash spent a few minutes going through the file, the letter and the agreement.

"Khushi, this basically confirms they've done illegal business but stopped after this agreement with the police department. Unless you find something to prove they breached this there is no case here"

"But Akash, that means if I find something I have a case here. I just want to know would that affect our friendship?"

"Look, Khushi, as a brother I am protective of Arnav but as a coworker, I am supportive of you. I am not commenting on or against this. Let's see when the time comes"

"Akash, there is this other thing"

Khushi handed him the envelope she found that was addressed to her father.

"Akash, this is addressed to my father. Do you think I should open this? I mean, he is not alive and I am the only living person from his family"

"Are you ready to face what's in there Khushi? If you are go ahead"

Khushi took a long breath and opened the envelope. It doesn't matter when she opens it, but it's best to do it now than wait. She found a letter addressed to her father inside that envelope. Akash saw the changing emotions on her face. By the end of the letter, she had tears in her eyes.

"Khushi, are you ok? What's in the letter?"

"Akash, I think my dad was not an accountant but was a drug dealer"


Another mystery is about the be revealed :) 

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