Chapter 07

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Akash couldn't believe Khushi's plan actually worked. She is not only inside the Raizada mansion, but also she managed to settle in there for a week. It was killing him to not be able to share this with anyone.

Even though Khushi asked him not to text her, he couldn't help it.

"I am relieved your plan worked. I am sorry I messed up that day. I will tell you all about it when we meet. Don't forget, I am always there for you Khushi"

Khushi heard her phone vibrate and saw it was a text from Akash. She locked the room door and turned on the tap inside the washroom before calling Akash.

"Omg Khushi, you have no idea how glad I am to hear your voice. How are you? What happened that day? Valet told me someone slid your throat"

"Akash, I can't talk long. The doctor has asked me not to use my voice until I am healed. Don't worry about me. I am fine and I will call you once I am cleared to talk. Bye"

Before Akash could reply Khushi disconnected the call. The doctor was right, she should not be using her voice at all. It was only a 30-second conversation and she already feels the pain inside her vocal cords.

"Khushi, wait.. what? And here she goes, discontented with the call without even letting me speak"

But he was glad to hear her voice. Now he can be confident that Khushi is safe and the plan is going well.

The first day went without any major events for Khushi. The highlight of the day was meeting ASR, the mafia king of India.

"Khushi, you have wasted the day doing nothing. Technically you have only 5 days left. Hurry up. You need to get ahead"

"But how am I going to get more time? This week will be gone in a blink of an eye. I need more time. I need to gain his trust, I need him to trust me enough to let me go to his office room"

"You are a smart woman Khushi, think of something. You have a week to think of something that will offer you a permanent place in this place"

After several minutes of in-person dilemma and talking to herself, Khushi got a plan.

"Akash, get an email account created under Suraj Catering and then send me an email saying I am fired from the job after the incident that day. Make up something but make it believable and inhumane. Send that email tomorrow after lunch. Btw, address it to"

She turned off her phone after texting Akash and went to sleep. No one understood how her mind worked. When other girls go out and enjoyed their college days, Khushi locked herself up inside the dorm and solved mysteries and puzzles. Today she is taking full advantage of that self-training.

The sleep was nowhere to be seen. The doctor has prescribed her sleeping pills if needed but Khushi did not want to take any given the environment she is in. She doesn't know anyone here, she cannot trust anyone here. Although her room is locked from the inside, this is Raizada mansion for god sake, ASR will have access to each room if he needs to.

Also, his reputation with girls is not that great. As hard as it was for Khushi, she decided not to take the sleeping medication and tried reading a book until she fell asleep.

Akash saw the text and did not bother to ask her why, because he knew he will not get an answer. Also, this is a chance for him. He can redeem himself after the massive failure last time. He messed up last time risking her life but this time he will not.

He took his laptop out and scheduled an email from the email account he just created.


To: kira.silva

Subject: Ending the Employment

"Dear Miss Kira Silva,

As unfortunate as it may have been the company has decided to end your employment contract. We understand you have encountered an unpleasant situation and since you were only a casual employee, the company cannot take responsibility.

However, out of good nature, we are happy to give you a good recommendation for any future jobs you apply for outside our company. Please get in touch with us if you require a recommendation.

Thanking you

Suraj Catering

Akash scheduled this email to be delivered the next day and went to sleep.

Khushi woke up at the knock on her door.

"Hello, miss, are you up? miss?"

Khushi rushed to open the door before someone comes and break it.

"Sorry miss, I have been banging on the door for almost 10 mins now. I was afraid something has happened to you"

Khushi opened the door full and gestured for her to come in. The lady from yesterday entered with a tray full of food and coffee. Khushi took her notepad out.

"Good morning, sorry, I was up till very late so didn't hear the door"

"That's a fine miss. Here's your breakfast and someone will bring you some clothes soon"

"Thank you. Call me Kira by the way. My name is Kira. What's yours?"

"Rose, I am Rose"

Khushi extended her hand and gestured to her thank you. Rose left to room leaving Khushi to enjoy her breakfast.

Khushi must give to ASR, he may be the mafia king, and he can be a criminal but his hospitality is spot on. Khushi finished her breakfast and took the tray out. Without waiting for Rose to come back for the tray she decided she will take it to the kitchen. That way she will be able to look around the house. It has been two days and the only two places she was at were her room and ASR's office.

She looked around. The house is massive. There were security guards with guns in every corner. They were like statues, not movement or emotions. She climbed down the stairs and to her left she saw a big door. Assuming it was the kitchen she walked towards it while turning her head around to explore the ground floor.

She suddenly hit a soft wall and the tray went flying away. Khushi lost her balance and was about to fall when she felt the wall grabbing her. Khushi slowly opened her eyes and saw it was not a wall she hit, it was ASR and now he is holding her the same way he did that night.

She turned her head towards his face and found he was looking at her. It only took a few seconds for their eyes to meet and Khushi was lost. She again lost herself in those hazel eyes.

"Are you ok Miss Kira?"


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