Chapter 46

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"Excuse me, Mister, the woman you are flirting with is my fiancé. So if you don't mind we have a dinner to attend"

Arnav pulled Khushi and left there frowning at the random guy. Who does he think of himself? He looked at the receptionist who witnessed everything.

"Who is that person? He sure needs to learn to respect others. Specially, women"

"Arnav, relax. Ignore that person"

"No Khushi, people like them make this society unsafe for females. Miss Diane, who was that?"

"I am so sorry Mr Raizada, I saw the incident but my hands were tied. He is our new boss. He owns this place, Mr Gaurav Arora"

"Gaurav Arora, hmm, I've heard about him. But can you make sure to tell him never to try that?"

"I am sorry Mr Raizada but yes, I will definitely pass him the message. But I assure you, he didn't mean any harm"

"It doesn't matter what he meant, because his actions showed his true intention"

"Arnav, stop it. You are dragging it for no reason"

Khushi tried to stop Arnav. She has never seen this possessive side of him. On one hand, she was happy that he is defending her and standing by her but on the other hand, she is a little worried about this possessiveness. 

"Khushi, I am not dragging anything. So Miss Diane, can you pass him my message?"

"Sure Mr Raizada. Once again, sorry for this"

"Thank you. And also mention to him that neither of us wishes to meet him ever again"

"Arnav, don't you think you are overreacting? Just ignore it"

"You may be the best agent in the country Khushi but you are totally blind when it comes to recognising people"

"Huh, I am blind in recognising people? I do that for a living you know?"

"I know and that's why I stand by my words Miss Khushi the criminal catcher"

Khushi ignored his remark. Continuing this will only going to get worse for her. For a person who hardly laughs Arnav does prank a lot.

"Let's go inside. I am starving"

Both of them entered the restaurant and the receptionist Diane took them further into the private section. Khushi didn't know this place had a private section like this. The section was entirely allocated to Arnav and Khushi. 

White fairy lights, soft violin music, roses everywhere and lavenders around the room give the natural fragrance. Khushi looked at Arnav with admiration.

"What? Hope you like the setup, Khushi"

"How did you know lavenders are my favourite?"

"Khushi, If I managed to know about your everything without you uttering a word. This was just the basics"

"I am impressed and worried at the same time"

Saying that Khushi moved a little closer and pecked his cheek.

Arnav and Khushi had a really good time. Neither of them spoke about the past or the future. They talked about the present. Likes and dislikes, hobbies and favourites. By the time they finished the fourth and the final course of the tasting menu, they knew a lot about each other.

 Khushi never thought Arnav can be this entertaining. He is actually good company. Arnav also was impressed with Khushi's knowledge. He has been with a lot of girls before. They never spoke about anything intellectual. It was always about his wallet. But Khushi is different. 

Today Arnav realised what it means when people say a person should be self-dependent. Khushi didn't bother asking about his bank balance rather she was interested in knowing his views on certain things. 

She didn't ask how much he is going to spend on the wedding, instead, she suggested they both pay half and half. 

Arnav felt proud of his choice. He never planned to get married or to fall in love but when he finally did, he was glad he did with the right girl. 

Khushi enjoyed herself getting pampered like this. She has never been on an actual date like this before. She realised the difference between dating a gentleman versus dating a random guy you met at the pub. Arnav makes her value her own self.

"Khushi, if you are done with the dessert I have something for you"

"For me? Arnav, you have done this much in such a short time, this is way more than what I expected so don't beat yourself up"

"Shut up and come with me"

Arnav took her hand and walked to the car. Once they are seated he drove towards the home. Khushi thought they are going back. So she sat there looking outside. But her attention diverted back to Arnav when she saw they were passing the house.

"Arnav where are we going? We passed the house"

"Khushi, I know. As I said, I have something for you"

Arnav took her to a lookout at the end of the road, asked her to come out, took her to the edge of the lookout and once again knelt down on one knee.

"Khushi, I know we've already gone through this but nothing will be completed without this"

Saying that he took out the most beautiful ring Khushi has ever seen in her life, took her left hand out and put the ring on her ring finger then ended with a kiss on the back of her palm.

Khushi didn't waste a second before she hugged Arnav as tightly as she can. She can't believe her life is finally going in the right order. She wanted to jump around and celebrate these triumphs of her life but pulled back as she didn't want to jinx her life.

"Arnav it's beautiful. I am a little worried about this new Arnav. He is too fast and hard to keep up with"

Arnav smiled at her sarcasm, pulled her back to him and concluded their first official date with a passionate kiss.

Arnav and Khushi spent a few more minutes looking at the city skyline before heading back home. That night both of them had the best good night's sleep they both had in a while. Both their minds were free from anticipation. They knew they belonged with each other. 

It was the morning and Khushi was busy getting ready to go back to work as it is almost the end of her fifth month. Her boss already knew about her so there is no point in waiting to go back to work. Sooner or later he will confront her. So the sooner she goes back the quicker she can face her boss and finish it. 

Arnav was also busy signing some last minutes papers when one of the house helps knocked on the door.

"Sir, there is someone down asking for Miss. Gupta"

"Who Akash? Send him up. You don't need to be formal with him. He is family"

"No sir, there is this middle-aged man down by the entrance demanding to meet miss. Gupta"

"Demanding? Does he know her? And, who is he?"

"Sir he said he met her last night and his name is Gaurav Arora"

"What? Gaurav Arora? What does he want?"

"He said, he wants to meet Miss Gupta and once he retrieves what he wants he will leave her alone. Until then he is not going to move away from the entrance"

"Call Sam and ask him to deal with this guy. And tell him, neither Khushi nor I have any desire to meet him or talk to him. Basically, ask him to get lost"

Arnav angrily closed his room door and for the first time in his life, he felt fear. Fear of losing something precious. 


Hope you are having a good year so far. Please enjoy chapter 46 :)

Happy reading and don't forget to vote and comment :)

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