Chapter 17

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"Shh Khushi, relax. No one is going to die ok? Trust me. Calm down and take a deep breath"

"A..a.rnav J..Ji, we.."

Khushi managed to utter between her sobs. Her head was on his chest and Arnav kept patting her back to calm her down.

She started rapid breathing and wheezing. Arnav has known her for quite some time now. He has seen her with a knife to her throat but she never looked this scared.

"Khushi, you aren't alone here, I am here too. I will promise nothing will happen ok?"

"But... the... lift....?"

"Maybe a service issue. Let me check with the operator.

Arnav removed his hand from her back to reach for the red help button on the lift to talk to an operator but as soon Khushi felt the hand move she grabbed his collar and pulled herself more towards him. She is now hugging and holding on to him as if her life depends on him.

"Don't leave me, please"

"Khushi, I am just trying to reach the help button. I am not going to leave you"

"No, please don't move"

"Khushi, if I don't speak to them how will we know what happened? Ok, move with me then. I am just going to take a step ahead to reach the button. My other arm will still be around you and you can hold on to me. Ok?"

"Ok, but do not leave me"

"Good girl, now a tiny step ahead"

Arnav reached the help button and pressed it to get an operator on the speaker.

"Hi Sir, we are so sorry about the situation. A power line has gone haywire and we are working on it now"

"Don't you have an alternative power source? I have a situation here"

"Sorry sir, we just sent our generators for servicing and they'll be back this afternoon. This has never happened"

"Ok, what's the ETA"

"30mins to 45 mins maximum Sir, We are really sorry"

"I have a lady here and she is claustrophobic so I give you 15mins - 30mins maximum to get this thing running. If not, you'll face the wrath of ASR"

"Oh, Mr Raizada, it's you. I am so sorry sir but we will get you out of there in no time sir"

The operator knew his future is literally hanging on a thread now. He has less than 30 mins to get ASR out of the lift.

"Khushi, relax now ok. They will get us out in no time. Now. let's sit down on the floor and let's play a game"

"A game?"

"Yes, let's ask each other questions. I am sure you have lots of questions for me but I do have a few for you as well"

This diverted Khushi's mind. Her eyes sparkled. They are all alone in this lift and she can ask him anything. Since they are stuck, he cannot walk away so he'll have no other option than to answer. 

Arnav saw the sparkle in her eyes and he knew his plan worked. He didn't have any specific questions nor he was planning on answering any of hers. He just wanted to divert her mind so that she'll breathe normally and survive the situation.

"Ok, I will go first, why did you choose this path?"

"Which path? Do you mean the lift? Khushi, the meeting is on level 25. So I am sure this is THE path"

"No, what I meant was why did you choose this career path?"

"What's wrong with my career? I earn enough, I live a lavish life, I have everything I want and I have a bank balance which can feed for few generations"

"So money is more important to you than integrity or honesty?"

"I wouldn't say like that but the reality is money is the only thing that matters"

"There are things money can't buy"

"Such as?"

"Love, family, friends, happiness. Shall I stop or do you need more examples?"

"Khushi, I can get thousands of people in less than a few hours who will love me like the world, who would be ready to leave their family to be my family for a few thousand rupees. I can have as many as friends I want by just waving my black and gold card. As for happiness, you've seen the life I live, and that all came because of money"

"But those relationships are all fake. The day you lose your money, you'll lose all those people. Look at me, I may not earn thousands of people but no matter what situation I am in, I will always have Akash and his family with me"

"Khushi, let me give you a reality check. They will be there for you against the world, but the moment they have to choose between their own family and you, you will be kicked out. As harsh as it may sound, that's the reality. At least the people I have will be loyal towards me for the sake of money"

"That's what I was trying to explain. They will kick me because they choose their family over anything. For you, if someone else offered them more money than you, they'll turn against you in no time"

Arnav for the first time thought what a valid argument she is making. Until today, money was everything to him. But this one statement by Khushi changed his whole viewpoint. Most of the people he has around him are bought by him. They went against their own bosses because he offered them more money. That means, they can do the same with him.

"Arnav Ji, no one knows the importance of family than me. I lost my parents when I was a kid. Growing up in an orphanage when I could have lived a fairy tale life will haunt me for the rest of my life. If money can buy happiness, will you be able to buy me back my parents?"

Arnav was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to answer her question but he knew one thing.

"Khushi, losing your family at a young age is something you and I both have in common. So I exactly know how you feel. I lost my parents and my only brother when I was a kid and the only reason I am alive is that Anand Pa took me under his wings and gave me a future. This is my way of payback to him"

"What? You were adopted and Anand Singh Raizada is not your biological father?"

Khushi felt like something heavy landed on her head. This piece of information was never published. This would turn the tables. 


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