Chapter 26

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Khushi had a good night's sleep after days. She took a couple of prescribed sleeping pills, locked her room door and slept. NK promised to stay with Arnav that night so that Khushi can rest.

NK knew what Khushi is doing and why. Although she doesn't voice it out, deep down she blames herself for Arnav's situation. They've tried multiple times to make her realise it is not her fault.

Maybe Akash is right. She might be feeling that she failed as an agent. She might be feeling helpless. So she is trying her best to make everything right. If something happened to Arnav her whole career would go into a downfall, she might be stuck on an emotional rollercoaster for a long time. All these what-if possibilities might be haunting her.

And, NK was right. She has been feeling exactly like that. It's been almost a month since she executed her plan which backfired because of Mishra. But to date, she hasn't been able to find a single clue against Arnav. Therefore, the thought that all this could have been ruined by a single bullet haunts her.

Khushi woke up early in the morning and decided to talk to Akash. He always knows what to tell her. She tried multiple times but his phone goes to voice mail all the time.

"Akash, please call me when you see this text. I really need to talk to you"

In about 10 mins she received a reply.

"Sorry Khushi, I am with Payal and we are having an unplugged day off. I only turned on my phone to access my internet banking. Will be back to work tomorrow. I will call you tomorrow. Take care and take care of Arnav"

Khushi knew something is wrong. She has known Akash for pretty much all her life. He has never acted like this. The text was a nicer version of to hell with you. But she can't blame him. He is with the love of his life.

"Khushi, you can't expect him to be there for you all the time"

Thought Khushi and she remembered what Arnav told her that day in the elevator. The minute they have to choose between her and their family, they'll choose family over her. This is what happening over here.

Payal is the reason for all her current miseries and Akash is her boyfriend. Arnav is the solution for her career progression but she is kind of emotionally attached to him.

"If there is an award for the best-strangled life, I would win with flying colours"

Thinking Khushi changed for the day and went to see Arnav. This has been her daily routine these days. The first thing she does is to go and see Arnav after getting ready for the day.

"Good Morning Mr Raizada, you PA and your worst nightmare are here to report"

"Good Morning Miss Gupta, PA, yes that you are. But my worst nightmare? Oh, come on, you have to give yourself more credit than that"

"I neither need any credit from you nor I am going to react to your baseless comments. Are you ready for the day?"

Khushi was about to walk towards him to help him get off the bed when Arnav uttered,


And then tried getting up only to drop back on the bed.

"Be careful. Your stitches are not healed yet"

Khushi quickly ran towards the bedside and checked up on his stitches.

"Look what you've done, it's bleeding now. Why didn't you wait till I come and help you?"

"Khushi, I am not a kid. I do not need someone helping me with basic things like getting off the bed"

"I know that. Under normal circumstances, I would not even be bothered offering my help. But you are wounded, you got shot, you almost died and you are still recovering from the surgery. So you need to listen to what doctors say"

Khushi quickly grabbed the first aid kit from his washroom and sat next to him. Then unbuttoned his shirt and removed the dressing on the stitches.

"This might hurt"

Arnav looked at the woman sitting beside him. He has never been treated like this. It is true he was never injured this badly, but this is not the first time he injured himself. Normally, he would dress his own wounds. But this woman has been taking care of him ever since he got out of the hospital. She has fed him, helped him dress up, and checked up on him late at night to make sure he is not in pain. But not a single word.

Normally, people who help others would say that to the whole world. But this woman is different. She is not doing anything expecting credit. There is a beautiful fragile soul underneath this harsh, rude face. He understood this by now.

Khushi finished dressing the wound and looked at Arnav to find him already looking at her. This is not the first time he looked at her or they are lost in each other's eyes. But this look is totally different from others.


"Shh Khushi, just Arnav. I am not some kind of a god that you need to give me respect"

"I mean, I..."

Khushi was at a loss for words. His gaze was so intense that she forgot her own words.

"How would you feel if I call you Khushi Ji? Feels a little old isn't it?"


That is all she could say.

Arnav moved his hands slowly towards her and put them on either side of the bed caging her yet keeping his gaze fixed on her eyes.

"Thank You Khushi for all you've done"

"Umm... I.. Ok..."

"Can I offer my thank you in my way, Khushi?"

Whispered Arnav moving closer to her. Khushi didn't know what to say or how to react. She would rather face hundreds of criminals at once than facing this situation. Emotions are not her strong suit but somehow this man sitting in front of her found the correct buttons to push.

His one look is enough for her to lose control over her.

"Khushi, shall I?"

She knew what he was asking and without knowing what she is doing she node yes.

Arnav didn't waste another second before moving his lips close to her face.


Happy 2023 my lovely readers :)

Hope you had a great new years eve :)

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