Chapter 13

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Akash woke up early in the morning. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He has seen ASR in pictures, and on TV and he did saw his back on the day of the incident. But he has never met him in person. As Khushi mentioned multiple times, ASR can be extra intimidating in person.

Akash took the phone out and called Khushi.

"Dang it Akash, it's 6 in the morning. I slept so late last night and now you woke me. I am going be cranky the whole day today"

"You are cranky all the time Khushi, so what's new in that? So slept late? Busy planning your future with your to-be husband? Btw, would you guys get engaged before the wedding or it'll be straight to the wedding?"

"Shut up Akash, first you woke me up early in the morning and now you talk nonsense. Don't forget I am seeing you today and this house has multiple options for guns. No one will ever be able to find your body if I kill you inside this house"

"Already taking an interest in the family business are we?"

"If you called to waste my time with this nonsense, then I am going to disconnect the call"

"Relax Khushi, I was just kidding. Actually, I need your advice on how to face ASR"

"What? Akash, you are not coming here to impress him. So just be yourself"

"But I am nervous"

"Did anyone ask you to come? You wanted it yourself. In fact, you didn't give us an option. But now you are chickening out?"

"Khushi, I am not meeting some roadside pickpocketer. I am meeting the mafia load ASR"

"He can be intimidating but he is not as bad as you think"

"What the hell happened to you? Until yesterday you wanted to kill him and now you are taking his side? Tell me the truth, are you falling for him Khushi?"

"What rubbish Akash, I was just stating a fact. He is not unreasonable. So be yourself but make sure to keep a straight face. Because if he smells the fear he can make this meeting a hell for you"


"Yes, he is like a bloodhound. He can smell fear"

"I regret calling you. Bye, see you in a few hours"

Khushi disconnected the call and let out the laugh she was holding. She knew Akash well and what are his weak points. This meeting is going to be fun. She wrapped herself in the blanket and went to sleep again setting her alarm for 8.00 am.

"ASR, are you sure this is a good idea? I mean were you out of your mind when you made the deal? We still have some time to back off"

"NK, I have never backed off from a deal neither have made any deal without a proper agenda"

"What's the agenda in this deal? Go to jail as a criminal or go to jail as a husband? Either way, you are the one who is getting tortured. You've met her, have you? She is a ticking bomb ASR, you never know when she will blast. If you get married to her it will be like walking in a land full of landmines"

"That's the fun NK, She is a challenge and you know I never back off from a challenge. Unfolding her will be worth the legal document"

"Marriage certificate, the document you are speaking of is marriage certificate. Believe me, I am the happiest that you decided to get married. But why her? I can find you girls who are whiling to marry you, who will devote their selves to you, who will literally do anything you ask"

"NK, I do not need a pet dog, I need a woman who can give me an equal level fight and you and I both know so far we have never met anyone like her"

"I don't know ASR, you are playing a dangerous game. And for god sake, full transparency?"

"Relax, all I can say is we have a wedding to plan in 6 months"

Arnav left the room leaving NK.

"Your overconfidence and your alter ego will definitely get you into trouble one day"

Murmured NK while taking a sip from his coffee.

Khushi woke up and got ready fast. She was excited to see her best friend after so long.

"Sir, someone called Akash Sharma is here and says he has an appointment with ASR at 10.00"

"Let him in and get him settled at the outside meeting area. I will get ASR"

NK gave orders to security and went to Arnav's room to call him.

"He is here, are you sure about this?"

"Let's go, by the way, can you please ask our lawyer to come in maybe after half an hour? That gives us enough time to answer any questions he has. You can inform the lawyer, I will go and start our meeting"

NK left to get the lawyer while Arnav walked towards the outside meeting area to meet Akash. Arnav has seen a photo of him and his file didn't say many things about him.

"Good Morning Mr Sharma"

Arnav walked in and Akash turned around to greet the person. As soon as he turned they both felt something like a current going past through them. Arnav's eyes were reminding Akash of something but he couldn't pinpoint what that is.

Arnav also got a little carried away. His eyes reminded him of his late father, his biological father. All those emotions and memories Arnav buried deep inside him started coming out.

Both of them didn't realise they were staring at each other. NK and Khushi who entered the area were also confused about what is going around here. Khushi looked at NK and he shredded his shoulders gesturing to her that he has no idea what is going in here.

Arnav moved a little closer and Akash did the same. Without realising what they are doing they hugged each other.

NK and Khushi who expected a handshake were shocked at this gesture.

"Akash, finally, I am glad to meet you"

"Arnav, I am also glad to meet you"

They kept hugging each other leaving the much surprised NK and Khushi to figure things out.  

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