Chapter 04

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"Arnav Singh Raizada?"

Arnav was about to answer her when she fainted in his arms. That's when he saw the cut through her throat and the blood that was coming out of the wound.

"NK, help me. She is hurt. We need to take her and treat her wound before she loses more blood"

"But ASR, we don't know the girl. What if she is a part of Mishra's plan?"

"NK, we don't have time. Bring the car. Let's take her home. Once she is looked after then we'll decide what to do with her"

NK was shocked. He has never seen ASR like this. This is ASR, he has no feelings, and he never showed empathy in his life but today he is acting like a crazy person for a girl he met for the first time. They don't even know her name.

"For god sake, NK, stop wasting time and bring the damn car now"

NK rushed to valet and ask them to bring their car to the front and then was about to go back and help Arnav when he saw his friend, his ruthless, emotionless, monstrous friend walking towards him carrying the unnamed girl in his arms in bridal style.

"NK, you drive"

Saying that Arnav got into the back seat of the car with Khushi in his hands.

Akash gained consciousness and rushed to the main hall. He saw people running around and a couple of security officers were dragging a guy toward the back. But no sign of Khushi. He took his phone out and tried calling her only to find it goes to her voicemail.

"Damn it Khushi, where are you"

He tried a few more times but couldn't get in touch with her.

"Excuse me, Sir, can you do me favour? My father injured himself while running away from the crazy person. Can you please take my parking token and ask the valet to bring my car in? I'll have to help my father walk"

A middle-aged woman came to Akash for help. Even though all he wanted to do was run around looking for Khushi, he didn't have the heart to say no to this woman. Therefore he took the keys and rushed outside towards the valet.

Akash was almost outside when he saw a guy carrying Khushi in his arms towards a car. Akash couldn't see who he was. However, he saw Khushi's head from the side.

"Khushi..... Khushi....."

He screamed as loud as he can and ran towards them. But he was too late. The guy put her inside the car and the car took off.

"Damn it. What have you done Khushi? I sure hope you didn't get yourself in some kind of trouble"

"Sir, are you looking for your car? I can see you are holding on to a token"

"Um, yeah, there is this lady who needs help. She needs her car. Here you go"

"Oh, number 34, this is Mrs Dhyal's car. I'll bring it in and send someone to help her"

"Thanks, by the way, since you know about these cars, can you tell me whose car was that black Audi? The one that just left with two guys and a girl"

"Oh, that one, it's Mr Arnav Singh Raizada's car. Poor girl, she needed help. Her throat was cut open. So I guess Mr Raizada took her to his place. We all know how will that end up. First, he will treat her, once she gains consciousness, he'll use her till she faints again"

"What? throat was cut open? How? What happened here?"

The valet person explained to Akash the whole Mishra incident and how Arnav took Khushi away. Akash was mortified. It was all his fault. Khushi asked him to do one thing and he put her life at risk. He didn't know what to do. Should he go back to his chief and explain everything or should he wait till Khushi contact him?

As hard as it was he decided to go with the latter. He mentally noted to give Khushi 24 hours to contact him and if she failed to contact him within this time, he will go to the Chief. He knew they both might lose their jobs over this but Khushi's safety matters more than anything.

He prayed to God to keep her safe and make his judgement correct.

"ASR, I think we should take her to a hospital and hand her to the doctors. They'll take care of her and will contact her family to inform"

"NK, I feel like there is more to the story. Out of all the employees, why did Mishra choose her? We have to know"

"She might have been the first one he encountered ASR. Why are you giving such importance to a person who we don't even know"

"NK, drive straight home. We'll get the house doctor to check her up and once she gained consciousness, we'll get our answers. Until I have my doubts cleared, I want her around me"

"As you say, but don't forget it was you who always said, girls mean nothing but trouble"

"I am not planning on making her my wife, not that I mind"

Arnav said the last part only for himself. The second he uttered those words he was shocked. What is he talking about?

"I don't know ASR, you were acting weird around her. I have never seen this side of you"

"Oh shut up NK. I was only trying to help her so that I can get answers to my questions. As you said she might be a spy, or planned this whole thing with Mishra. You never know"

They reached Raizada's mansion in no time. Arnav took her back into his arms and walked inside the house.

"Sam, ask the housekeeper to get one of the guest bedrooms ready and call the house doctor now"

"Yes, sir. But who is she?"

"Do as I say, no questions asked. I am not answerable to you"

"Sorry sir, I will get on to it now"

Arnav took Khushi to the guest room and put her on the bed. The House doctor arrived within a short time. He checked her and attended to the wound.

"So Doctor?"

"She'll live if that's what you are asking. But she will need bed rest for a week at least. Until the week is completed she must not talk. That can damage her vocal cords because there are minor damages to her cords and it will take time to heal. So make sure she uses a notepad to communicate. I will come in a week to check"

Arnav looked at the girl sleeping on the bed. What has he gotten himself into?

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