Chapter 15

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"Jiju you are here?"

Akash stood up seeing Shyam. He didn't expect to see his brother-in-law here at all.


Shyam stammered. He was shocked to see his wife's adoptive brother at Raizada's mansion. Then he turned to see Khushi standing next to NK.

"And, Khushi?"

"Hi Shyam Ji, what are you doing here?"

Khushi also couldn't believe her eyes. She has only met Shyam and Anjali a few times so far but shares a great bond with them. Anjali would text her once a week to see if she is going well. Shyam is always there to give her advice but he has always told them he is a real estate agent.

Khushi did suspect at first when she saw the lavish house both of them had and the lavish lifestyle. Khushi couldn't understand how a single income from a real estate agent can provide for all this but Akash has assured her Shyam is coming from a well-off background. However, it looks like Shyam has been living a double life.

"I... I....well, what are you two doing in Raizada mansion?"

Arnav and NK shared looks. It looks like both Khushi and Akash know their lawyer.

"Akash, why did you call Mr Jha Jiju?"

"Arnav, he is my brother-in-law. He is married to my sister"

"But you got shocked seeing him? What kind of a brother-in-law are you for not knowing who your sister is married to?"

"Believe me Arnav, I am asking the same question from me now. He told us he is a real estate agent. We never had a reason to suspect him"

"Even when he bought the big bucks home?"

This time it was NK who raised his concern. This is like a spider web. First, a girl from nowhere comes into their lives. Then she gets a job here, then Arnav wants to marry her. 

To make everything strange Arnav acts like he knows her best friend from seven lives and the cherry on the top, their lawyer of five years is the brother-in-law of that guy.

The guy whose friend is the girl who invaded their lives. If someone says Russell's paradox is confusing, ask them to unravel this spider web.

"Ok, everyone sit down first. Let's start from the beginning because this is all getting out of hand now"

Arnav said in his bossy voice making everyone turn towards him. Within a minute they all sat around the table.

"I am Arnav Singh Raizada, owner of this premise and Raizada group of industries, this NK, my best friend, my business manager and my go-to person. Now, three of you please go ahead"

"I am Khushi Gupta. Full-time special agent and now PA to Mr Raizada for 6 months until I put him behind bars"

Arnav looked at Khushi chuckled and was impressed with her confidence level.

"I am Akash Sharma. Best friend, a brother and a work partner of Khushi. Although I do not approve of her way of trying to find out the truth, I am here to support her and show Mr Raizada and Mr NK, that she is not alone. If you try messing with her, I am here to protect her"

Khushi looked at Akash and mouthed a Thank you. She was glad he is here to support her.

"I am Shyam Jha. I am a lawyer by profession and I have been Mr Raizada's lawyer for the last five years. I do have a confession to make. I am married to Anjali Sharma who is Akash's sister. She knows my real job. She knows who are my clients but no one else does"

"You mean to say, Di knows you are his lawyer?"

"Yes Akash, but I had to hide this from you. You and Khushi always talked negatively about Mr Raizada and I signed an NDA when I started working for him. So, I didn't want our conflict of interest to come in between our relationship"

"But at least you could have told me you are a lawyer"

"Yes, but then what if you come to me for legal advice against my clients? That's why we thought the best option is to hide my real profession"

"Mr Jha, I do admire how you did not mix family with business. But..."

"Please Mr NK, believe me, my intentions were clean"

"Mr Jha, I believe you. But you do realise by hiding this from your family, you have created a whirlpool. All I want to know is would this incident affect your commitment towards your work?"

"I promise you Mr NK and Mr Raizada, this would not change anything"

"Good, then let's proceed with the contract shall we?"

"Arnav wait"

Akash stood and went towards Shyam,

"It may not change anything for you Jiju, but I feel betrayed. Life has betrayed me in many ways but this would be on the top. I am sorry Khushi, although I really want to be here I hope you understand. I need to leave now"

Saying that he hugged Khushi, turned towards Arnav and gave him a brotherly hug making everyone confused again. Then shook hands with NK and left the Raizada house. 

Akash was feeling so low. First, he got betrayed by his girlfriend, then his brother-in-law and his sister. 

Khushi understood his situation. She would have done the same thing or maybe worse. Shyam is family and Akash already lost his biological family and treatment like this would make him question the real bonds.

Somewhere deep Arnav felt something he did not want to feel. He felt like Akash is someone he lost years back and when they hugged he felt he is reunited with his long-lost brother. But he has a sister. They didn't have a sister. He did feel disappointed but as usual, without voicing his worries, he pushed them deep down.

"Ok, so if we are done with family reunions, shall we proceed with the contract?"

"Mr Raizada, this is an unusual contract. As a person, I would trust Khushi with my eyes closed. She is a brilliant girl but as your lawyer, I do not advise you to go transparent with internal business matters. There are deals that involve sensitive information and a minor leak of information can create large havoc"

"That's why you are here Mr Jha. Prepare a contract where our information will be safe as well as Miss Gupta will be satisfied"

"Believe me Mr Raizada, when Mr NK told me about this I did not know this was a contract for Khushi. I thought you may be adding a new business partner. If I have known before I would have advised beforehand asking not to do this"

Khushi's heart started beating fast. This is the last chance she is going to get and Shyam is almost spoiling it for her. 


Chapter 15 everyone :)

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Happy reading :)

P.S. Picture credit goes to the original owner. 

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