Chapter 24

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Khushi freshen up a little and sat on the couch in the VIP room. Akash has called her and informed her that he has been assigned important work and won't be able to be back until the next day. 

NK is also stuck at work taking care of media and constant calls. So Khushi was left alone in the hospital. She was glad Rose thought to send her some cloth with Sam.

Since Arnav is still in the ICU and she was alone, Khushi had time for herself to think about all the events.

When she took this self-assignment she risked everything she has ever worked for. She was so confident that she will succeed in her plan. But spending time with Arnav and knowing his side of the story has made her rethink some of her decisions.

It is clear that she must continue looking for answers. She owes it to her parents. It has always been her dream to work for the team. But recent events have made her question some things. 

It is clear Arnav is protected by an upper-level officer from her own agency. If the agency itself is corrupted, is it worth spending her time there? What if she chose another path? What if she exposes these superiors first and then exposes Arnav? Can she single-handedly change the whole system?

She had millions of questions and not a single answer. Akash might lead her the way but he can never give her a correct answer. Because she knew, the friend in him will cloud his responses.

 But there is one person in this world who is blunt enough to give her the answers to these questions. But unfortunately, that person is laying on a hospital bed thanks to her.

Khushi took her phone out and texted NK.

"Hi NK, can you please email me any details you have about Sheetal, your old businesses together and closure or wind-up reports for that business"

"Khushi, I am a little busy handling the press and the media, so do you mind waiting?"

"I don't but as you know you guys promised to supply me with details when I ask them. So, if I were you, I wouldn't wait that long. You don't want your friend to be transferred to a cell from ICU do you?"

"Khushi, I will send her those COB. Just an FYI, a little empathy goes long way"

Khushi knew what she was doing to NK is inhumane. His friend is in the hospital, he literally fought for his life and is still at minor risk. But this is the only way she can divert her mind from unwanted thoughts.

Khushi wasn't a kid. She knew what's is the end result of these unwanted thoughts and feelings. She did not want to go down that road.

"Thank You"

After she ended the conversation she thought to go and have a cup of coffee. She turned around to leave the room when she saw the doctor and a few nurses bringing Arnav's ICU trolly to the room.

Arnav was still under close observation but they transferred him to the room because he started breathing on his own and she no longer had to keep in in the ICU.

"Miss Gupta, I suggest not to disturb him. He might feel a little shake or may be out of place because he was unconscious and sedated for over 48 hours now"

"I understand doctor. I will wait for him to wake"

"Thank you. We will leave you to it. Press the green button on the wall if you need anything and the red one if it is an emergency"

"Thank you, doctor. I can take it from here"

Once the doctor left Khushi pulled a chair closer to Arnav's bed and sat. He looked like he was sleeping. 

Khushi didn't want to disturb him so she went back to the couch and thought of getting some sleep. She has been up for over two days now. In no time she fell asleep.

"Where am I? What is going on? Arrgghh what's this pain"

Khushi woke up to a loud voice. Arnav was up and trying to get off the bed.

"I wouldn't try to do it if I were you"

"What the hell is going on Khushi? Where am I?"

"I'll tell you, but you need to relax first. The more you move the more you feel. So I suggest staying still"

"It feels like I was shot in the gut. Damn, what are we doing in the hospital?"

"You did get shot, that too by your old lover Miss Sheetal Kapoor"

"Ah, I remember now. How long I was down for?"

"Almost three days now"

Khushi then explained to him everything that happened, how he stopped responding to treatment, how they thought they've lost him and all.

"By the way, you are welcome Miss Gupta"

"Huh? For what?"

"I saved your life"

"Did I ask you to?"

"She was going to shoot you. If it was not for me, who knows we might be leaving flowers in your grave by now"

"What are you implying Mr Raizada? That I won't survive a shoot like that or that I cannot protect myself?"

"You triggered her. I had it all under control but your cop mouth had to jump in"

"Don't tell me what to do and when to do it. This is my life and I will do what I want to do"

"Seriously Khushi, why can't you just admit that I saved your life and we can move on? Why do you have to make it a big deal"

"Because now I indebted my life to a criminal"

"Now now, did you forget? Innocent until proven, remember?"

"Believe me, if you weren't stuck into a hospital bed, I would have killed you by now"

"You had the chance, but now you lost it. Whether you like it or not, now you are stuck with me, Miss Gupta"

Khushi wanted to give back but she was a little taken aback by what he said. Is that true? Is she stuck with him? Those emotions she suppressed started coming out again.

"This isn't over Mr Raizada"

Saying that Khushi took a glass of water and handed it over to him. 

Arnav couldn't stop laughing at her. Her words were contradicting her actions. She says she wants to kill him but on the other hand, she is taking care of him.

"Oh I bet it isn't Miss Gupta"


The next few chapters will mainly focus on Arnav and Khushi :) 

I believe it's high time to add some Arshi parts. 

Please don't forget to leave your comments and votes :)

Happy Reading!! 

Ps. Picture credit goes to the original owner. 

The Guilty Onesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें