Chapter 32

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"What? Your date? Have you lost it?"

"Well, no one counts a good deed these days. What's wrong with people"

"Did you hit your head or something?"

"I thought you may be interested in going to this party Khushi. Since you are not someone we directly do business with or our vendor, you won't be getting a direct invite to the party"

This time Khushi was a little taken aback. What does he mean by not getting a direct invite?

"Last I checked, I live in this house and I am your PA by the books"

"You live in this house and I own this house. You are my PA so I make the decision whether you are allowed to go or not"

Khushi didn't want to miss this chance at any cost. She has to attend this party. If it means pulling her ego down be it.


"What do you mean Khushi? Ok for what?"

"I'll be your date for the party"

Arnav walked close to Khushi and trapped her between the wall and himself. He then slowly moved his right hand towards her left hand, took the back of her palm and kissed it.

"I'll be honoured. Be ready by eight"

By practice, Khushi knew what was coming next and this time she is not going to give him the satisfaction of seeing her blush. Therefore, she pushed him and ran out of the room.

It's a fact that this man affects her in a way no one else does. The feelings she feels when he is close to her are foreign to her. It is not easy to juggle so many things at once and then have to deal with all these foreign feelings.

She has to control herself in front of him. He may not be a drug dealer but he is definitely not a saint. It's true that no one ever found anything against him.

But that does not mean he is clean. There's no smoke without fire. There is always a reason for a rumour. Khushi just needs to find the reason for that fire and this party will help her to find that reason.

Arnav on the other hand was amazed about himself. There is no such thing as only invited guests can attend. Even if there is something like that as Khushi mentioned, she lives in this house so no one would stop her. Yet he wanted to have her by his side.

There was this unspoken, unaccounted possessiveness inside him telling him only he can accompany her. He didn't want her to be with anyone else. This is foreign territory for him. No girl has affected him the way Khushi has. She has turned his world upside down in a short time.

 Even after knowing her true intentions, he never felt anything negative about her. She is a pure soul who spoke her mind, a person who is direct and always on point. Just the way he liked. Until Khushi, Arnav didn't know he is capable of these feelings.

Khushi finished the final touch when she heard a knock on her door. She looked at the clock and it was sharp at eight. Khushi slowly walked towards her door and opened it knowing who will be standing on the other side. She expected Arnav but not this Arnav.

Arnav wore a dark blue tux with a sky-blue shirt. His hair was gelled and combed back. His cuffs matched his eyes. She knew she has never seen someone smarter than him. He looked devilishly handsome and the aura around him was making him extra hot. Khushi felt her heart skip a beat.

"How on the earth am I going to spend the rest of the evening concentrating on my work when this man will be next to me"

This is the only thought that was on her mind. She knew this will be the hardest test she has ever taken. Resisting her feelings going to drain all her energy.

Arnav's situation was no better. He was lost in Khushi. He did not expect Khushi to come out with her angelic avatar. Khushi wore a dark blue long dress that matched his tux. The dress complimented her curves so well that he knew he will need extra control over his body to resist the urges. 

The minimal makeup on her face complimented her so well. Tonight he is not seeing this special agent Khushi Gupta but the Khushi he wanted to get to know more.

"This girl will be the death of me"

Thought Arnav while extending his hand. Khushi grabbed his hand and they both walked towards the main hall slowly. Neither of them wanted to rush. They both were enjoying this little moment. 

For the first time in her life, Khushi felt like she is more than her job. She always thought her job is her identity and without it she is nothing. But tonight the look on Arnav's face made her realise she has her own identity outside her career. She is capable of something other than her job. Suddenly she realised she is worth more than she imagined.

As soon as they both entered the party, all eyes turned towards them. Most of the people who attended this party has seen Arnav with many women. But they have never seen this look on his face. He was actually proud of the woman standing next to him and that was evident on his face.

Arnav had a quick look around the room and saw a number of guys gawking at Khushi and it only took him a second before they realise what they are thinking. He knew how people looked at the women he usually take to a party. Today he wasn't going to get her reputation get ruined because of him.

Without wasting any second he put his arm around her back to pull her closer. He felt her cold skin under his palm and that's when he realised the dress she was wearing was a backless dress.

 Khushi shivered when she felt his warm palms on her back. Her whole body was taken by this unknown feeling of satisfaction. This hold felt like she meant something to him.

"Khushi, do not go around without me. There are people whom you don't want to be alone"

"I think I am capable enough to take care of myself. Don't forget who am I"

"Just for once, can you go with the flaw? I know you are strong enough to face all these men at once. But I do not want any media attending this party. So please work with me to stay low"

"I thought you didn't deal with criminals Arnav. So why are you scared of the media?"

"There are high-ranking people in this party who do not want to be on the front page of the news tomorrow morning. They have to protect the level of secrecy. Many of them are higher authorities from the government"

"What? The government?"

"Please Khushi, I promise to answer all your questions tomorrow. Do not raise any alarms. This is NK's day so let him have it"

"As long as you promise to answer ALL my questions tomorrow, I promise to lay low"

"I promise, but please do as I say. I don't want many of them to get alerted"

"As I said, as long as my questions get answered"

"I never break a promise, Khushi"

Khushi was about to give him an assurance smile when he continued.

"Whether it's answering your questions or getting married to you"


I am so sorry for not updating this yesterday. We had really bad weather. Thundering, stormy wind and lightning so I had to stay put. Heavy storm warning is still up but no thundering or lightning today :) Thank God!

Hope you all are safe in these unpredictable weathers :)

Happy Reading! 

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