Chapter 09

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"You did what?"

"Oh come on ASR, you and I both know you need an assistant. I cannot be your Business Manager and your assistant both"

"I asked you to do a simple thing NK, one simple job offer and you turned it into a nightmare for me"


"ASR, I have a conversation with Rose about Miss Kira"

"What about her NK, as soon as the week is up, she is out. But make sure to follow her for a few months until we know for sure"

"She has nowhere to go ASR. She got fired from her job. Rose saw the email. She will soon be homeless as well"

NK explained to Arnav the conversation Rose shared. The exact conversation she had with Khushi.

"So what NK, we cannot let her stay here. It's risky for her and for us both"

"What if we offer her a job? Then she is vetted and we have nothing to worry"

"Hmm, it is possible but we don't know what she is capable of doing. She is definitely not helping in the kitchen. She can't carry a damn tray without slipping so it's a no there"

"Tray? ASR what are you talking about?"

"Forget about it. Well, she must have some kind of qualification if she has a student loan to pay off. Let me tell you, do a background check on her to confirm she is what she portrays to be and once you have the confirmation let her handle the basic admin work at home. Offer her a decent salary and she can stay in the staff quarters. Understood?"

Flashback End

"Oh come on ASR, it can't be that bad. I checked her credentials and she was a scholarship student. So she must be a bright student"

"She is a girl NK, a freaking female. You know where I stand when it comes to them"

"The whole world knows ASR, in fact, Miss Kira was a little reluctant at first as well"

"Was She now"

NK knew exactly where to hit. The only way to get Arnav to do something out of his will is to him through his ego.

"Yes, she said and I quote, I haven't heard positive things about him with woman, so I need more clarity"

Arnav turned red after hearing this. No one has ever insulted him like that. She got offered a chance to work for him but instead of accepting it straight away, she went on commenting on his character.

"NK, brief her and tell her she starts next week. I can't deal with her and her notepads no once she is cleared to talk, she can start working"

NK looked at Arnav who rushed out of the room and laughed.


Khushi was in her room. She can't believe her plan is working so well so far. She texted Akash,

"Thank you, Akash for making all the fake academics. You are now texting with the new Personal assistant to ASR"

Within a second she received a reply from Akash.

"Someone at the Polytechnic owed me a favour so you are welcome. But I can't believe it actually worked. Sometimes I wonder how come he became this mass-scale mafia lorn when a simple 26-year girl can fool him in less than a week"

"Hey, I am not simple. It's all thanks to my brilliant acting skills"

"Huh, you failed drama class Khushi, three times. The fourth time you passed because the teacher didn't want you in her class next year"

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