Chapter 22

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NK and Khushi sat outside the OT for almost three hours. They saw nurses and doctors coming in and out of the OT. Each time either of them ask about Arnav's situation, they gave silent treatment.

There were around ten security guards around OT and more than twenty around the hospital. Sam, Arnav's security head made sure no one goes in or out of the hospital without a thorough check.

In usual circumstances, Khushi would have made a huge fuss about how inconvenient that is for the rest of the hospital but today, all she can think of is making sure Arnav is safe and he survives this.

If something happens to Arnav's life, Khushi will never be able to forgive herself and she did not want to be the reason for his death.

Akash always used to tell her that until something is personal you never know the depth of it. Today, she understood what he meant. Today she wanted to be selfish for Arnav.

After almost four hours they saw the lights in OT turned off and in a minute or two, the doctor who spoke with Khushi before came out of the OT. Khushi and NK ran towards him.

"Doctor, how is Arnav?"

"You are?"

"I am NK his friend"

"Hi Mr NK, as I said to Mrs Raizada, I am sorry, Miss Gupta"

The doctor corrected himself right away. He remembered the threats she gave and he did not want to be in her bad books.

"This case was a critical case. He had lost a lot of blood by the time they bought him to the hospital. We have tried our best"

NK got really worried about the next thing that is going to come out of this doctor's mouth. Khushi's heartbeat increased. She did not like the way things are going.

"We did our best and the rest is unto god. Mr Raizada's surgery is a success but he is still unconscious. If he gained consciousness in the next 24 hours he is out of danger. But if he doesn't then there is a chance he might go into a coma"


Asked NK and Khushi together.

"As I said, this was a hard case. His body stopped responding a few times in the middle and we had to make him breathe during the surgery manually. We will transfer him to a VIP room soon"

"But doctor, what will happen if he falls into a coma?"

"Mr NK, I am not trying to be harsh but as a doctor, it is my duty to keep you on the right path. I don't want to get your hopes us. Going into a coma means there are minimum chances of him waking up ever"

"Shut up doctor. How could you say something like that? NK, don't trust this man, he is a liar. I know him, you know him, you know how strong he is. He will wake up in no time and start scolding us for believing in this guy"

The doctor didn't mind what Khushi was saying. He understood how hard it is for her. It was evident that she shares more than a simple police-criminal relationship with him. But the doctor knew this is not the time and the place for that conversation.

Also by looking at her, he did not want to have that conversation with her.

"Miss Gupta, Mr NK, let's pray and hope god will give him another chance. Be strong. I'll be here for the next 10 hours. Call me anytime"

The doctor left both NK and Khushi. NK was having a hard time. There is a high chance he might lose his best friend, his brother and his everything. On the other hand, he cannot cry because if he cried Khushi will completely break. She is hanging in a threat. She is not herself.

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