Chapter 11

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"Let's see, how about I pay back your respect by calling you by your real name Miss. Khushi Gupta or shall I say, special agent Khushi?"

Khushi didn't know how to react. She thought Arnav took her bait and she managed to fool him. But here, he is standing in front of her and calling her by her name. How on earth he figured this out and if he did why didn't he kill her yet?

"Mr Raizada...I don't...."

"Na Na, I returned your respect so you should keep yours the way you started. So rephrase"

If Khushi had a gun she would have triggered all 6 bullets into his head. Not because he is a criminal but because of the situation he has put her.

"Arnav Ji, I don't know what you are talking about. Khushi? Secret agent?"

"Oh cut the crap Khushi, you and I both know what's the truth. So shall we cut to the chase and be honest for once?"

"Oh, so you want to be honest now. Ok, we shall then. Why don't you admit to the crimes you have done and I will put you behind bars? How's that for being honest?"

"Now now, where is the fun in that? You came here with this big plan of yours to expose me with evidence. I am not going to ruin that for you"

Khushi was shocked again. How many shocks she is going to get today? ASR knew her plan all along? or has he got to know it now? Since the truth is out there, she no longer wanted to hide behind this Kira avatar.

"How? and when? I mean, when did you figure out the truth and how? and if you did why didn't you kill me yet?"

"Kill you? Oh Khushi, you are too pretty to die so young and I do like a challenge"

"Nice sarcasm but get to the point. How and when?"

"Let me see, when.... hmm, I would say the night you had that incident. I was worried at first and bought you a home. Once the doctor checked up on you and everything was done, I got my men to explore the place. Remember our conversation the next day? That was me taking a chance if I could crack you easily. But I have to admit, you are a hard nut to crack"

"You mean to say you knew all along and acted dumb?"

"I wouldn't say dumb but yeah, making you think you are in the lead was so much fun to watch"

"But how did you figure it out?"

"My men saw the CCTV cameras. How you unlocked the door and were so calm at first when Mishra grabbed you from the back but then got shocked. That was all enough for me to put the two together and then ran a background check on you that night. Yes, before you forged your academics and all those stuff"

"But I disconnected the cameras"

"You did, but my men installed mini camera's around the building for my security which no one knew other than us"

"But you let me stay at your house after that and even offered me a job?"

Arnav looked at Khushi and took a step towards her making her take a step backwards.

"Yes, because you are a very capable girl Khushi. I have to give it to you, your plan was brilliant. It's just that you executed it on the wrong person"

"So even after knowing I am here to destroy you, you kept me alive?"

"Now what's this killing? What do you think I do for a living?"

"You deal illegal weapons, kill people and risk national security"

"Wow! Quite a long list of allegations you've got there"

"Allegations? They are not just allegations, they are unproven facts"

"Top of your class, a scholarship holder but still does not have a basic understanding of how things work? You disappointed me Khushi"

"What do you mean?"

"A fact is not a fact until it is proven, unproven things are called assumptions Miss Khushi Gupta"

Khushi felt it was a slap on her face. She has always been proud of her knowledge and her intelligence.

"You are changing the subject. Assumptions, allegations or facts whatever they are, you and I both know it's the truth"

He took another step reducing the gap between them while she took a step back.

"Well, if I say no, you won't believe me so why don't we make a deal?"

"A deal? What made you think I will make a deal with a criminal?"

"Now now, everyone is innocent until proven. So without evidence, you cannot make me a criminal"

Unfortunately, Khushi had to admit he has a point. So far, she has no evidence to prove he is guilty.

"Ok, what's the deal?"

He took another step towards her and she took a step back to hit the edge of the table.

"You work as my PA for 6 months and in that 6 months, you are free to move around this house and find any evidence against me. If you find even a single piece of evidence against me I will happily surrender"

Khushi couldn't believe her ears. The mafia lord of India is actually giving her full authority to investigate him. There has to be a catch because he's not a fool.

"What's in it for you? I mean your gain in this whole thing?"

"Why do you think I have a hidden agenda Khushi?"

Arnav moved a little more closer but since she was at the edge of the table she stumbled and was about to fall when Arnav grabbed her by her waist and pulled her towards him.

Their close proximity was giving Khushi butterflies in her stomach. She wanted to feel angry and annoyed but all she felt was a small desire. His eyes were making her weak on her knees.

"Be careful Khushi, it looks like you are making it a habit to fall in front of me"

"Answer Mr Raizada? What's in it for you?"

"Miss Khushi, if you failed to find anything against me in 6 months you have to marry me"


Chapter 11 everyone :)

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