Chapter 06

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"Come here and have a sit"

After what felt like hours, he finally spoke. His voice, Khushi lost the little bit of confidence she had with his husky voice. He did not sound like a criminal.

"Is he supposed to sing out loud that he is a criminal? You stupid idiot"

Khushi blamed her mind and sat in front of the most gorgeous man she has ever seen. One can say he looks smart and handsome in photos or on tv. But in reality, he looked devilishly hot. He has this aura around him to capture anyone who passes by.

"Focus Khushi Focus"

Khushi can't remember when was the last time she had to constantly remind herself to focus and stay in control. Whatever this man is doing to her, he is definitely succeeding in it.

"So, miss, Mrs.....? Can you tell me about yourself? What is your name?"

Khushi took the notepad out and wrote,

"It's Miss first of all and my name is Khu...(scratch that) I mean, I am Kira Silva"

"Umm, Kira Silva, interesting. What is your father's name?"

"Dheeraj Silva"

"Oh I see, so you are D. Silva's daughter. So basically you are one of our own?"

"It depends on who's asking"

Arnav ignored the last comment and continued his questionnaire. As frustrating as it looks, he kind of enjoyed this one-way conversation.

He has never been in a situation where he is the person who talks and the other person gives him the silent treatment. In this case, written treatment.

"What were you doing at the party venue last night?"

Khushi took the notepad back and wrote,

"I was there to help the kitchen staff. I was helping with the washing"

"And how did you meet Mishra?"

"I have never seen him, I was washing dishes by the back door and he suddenly entered the kitchen and put a knife across my throat by grabbing me from the back. Rest you know"

"Interesting, the door that was locked, suddenly opened, and then he walked towards you to stand behind you. Shocking that you did run when you saw him walking towards you with a knife"

"As I said, I was washing dishes and it was so sudden I didn't know what to do"

"Ok, so you wouldn't happen to know how that steel door unlocked? Because when my men checked the door, it was not broken or there was no sign of forced entry"

"Why do you ask me, maybe someone might have forgotten to lock the door. There were smokers in the team, so someone might have gone out to smoke. Why only asking me?"

"Because you are the only one who got injured, and you are the only one who fainted on my arms, Miss Kira"

Khushi kept her silence. He might be onto something so it is better to keep her mouth shut than give him what he wants to know.

"By the way, the name Kira doesn't suit you"

She looked up to see Arnav looking straight at her. He had no emotions showing so she didn't know what he is thinking.

"Are you sure that's the name your parents gave you? or you changed it along the way because you wanted a modern name?"

"Mr Raizada, I think you have nothing to do with my personal life"

Wrote Khushi and she draw an angry face emoji to let him know she is angry. Arnav chuckled at her childish behaviour. But he was angry at her comment.

"It does, as a matter of fact, Miss Kira. Because you invaded my personal space, you are now sitting in my office, you spent a damn night at my house so I have everything to do with your personal life"

"I did not ask you to bring me here, I did not fall onto your arms but you caught me and I was not given a choice whether I wanted to be here or not. You could have left me over there or even at a hospital"

"You are one little talker aren't you?"

"Correction, one little writer, you are lucky I am not allowed to speak, if not I would have put you in your place"

Khushi then remembered her prime motive. She was not supposed to be on his bad side, she has to be on his good side.

She must change her approach or else she'll be kicked out of this place in no time.

"I am sorry Mr Raizada, you helped me and instead of thanking you, I am blaming you. Thank you for saving my life"

Arnav looked at the female sitting in front of him. In a span of 15 mins, she has technically proved him wrong, talked back, argued and apologised.

Four things he does not tolerate at all. But this person is more than she claims to be.

"You may go to your room now Miss Kira"

"Room? I would like to go home Mr Raizada, I cannot misuse your hospitality"

"You heard me, Miss Kira. Go to your room. You are to stay here until the doctor gives permission to talk"


Thought Khushi. She has seen the medical report and the doctor won't be back for another week.

She has a whole week to walk around and find evidence. Once the week is up, she can make up something to increase her stay.

"Thank you Mr Raizada"

"One more thing Miss Kira, let Rose know whom should she inform about your whereabouts. I know your dad died a few years ago but there must be someone you like to inform?"

Khushi node no.

"So no family, a husband or maybe boyfriend?"

She again node no and walked outside the office room. Once she is outside she started breathing.

That's when she realised she was holding onto her breath the whole time. This has been the most intimidating encounter she has ever experienced.

Arnav smirked at leaving Khushi.

"Interesting, very interesting, no family, no personal life. You have just become more intriguing Miss Kira"

Thought Arnav. He has never come across a female like her. She wasn't afraid of him or she didn't try to flirt with him. Rather they actually had a normal conversation.

Arnav enjoyed that. It has been a while since he had a conversation with a female that did not involve any physical activity.

Khushi went to her room and took her phone out and texted Akash;

"Progress laid the trap and he caught the bait. Have a week at least the moment"

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