Chapter 48

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"Khushi, what the hell is going on? Who is this Gaurav and why did he kidnap Payal? What does she have to do with any of this?"

"Akash calm down"

"Calm down? Are you serious right now? A maniac kidnaps Payal and you are asking me to calm down? We just started our life together after sorting out our differences and this happens. The irony is you are the reason"

"Look Akash, I know you are angry now and it's totally justifiable. But believe me, Khushi is not to be blamed for this"

"NK, bro, I am not blaming her. But it's just that, forget it, you won't understand how it feels"

"I won't understand? Akash, if anyone can understand you here it is me. Because not only Payal, he kidnapped LA as well"

"What? Did he kidnap her too? But why?"

Arnav and Khushi explained to Akash how they met Gaurav last night and how he managed to come here today and what he is demanding.

"So why don't we make a deal? Let's copy the pen drive and then encrypt it. He can have the pen drive but by the time he learns it has been encrypted Payal and LA will already be out there"

"Akash, it's a good plan if we have the pen drive. But the main issue here is we don't have it nor do we know where it is"

"Another dead end then?"

"I am afraid so Akash. But that's why Khushi asked you to come here so that we put our heads together and decide"

Khushi took Akash's hand and gently pressed it assuring everything will be alright. Akash and NK look strong but she knew they were broken inside. She and Arnav have to keep it together for the sake of all of them.

Four of them sat in the library trying to find a way out of this. Whatever that pen drive has must be worth a lot. Otherwise, no one in their right mind would start a war with 2 secret agents and the 'alleged' mafia lord of India just for fun. And if that pen drive consists of classified information, it won't be easy to find.

"Khushi, do you have any idea where they kept your father's belonging after his death?"

NK asked so that start from somewhere.

"No, as I told you, I got sent out to the orphanage and I was not allowed to leave it till I was 18. By the time I felt the orphanage, that idiot has already demolished the house and built his cafe"

"Meaning, he would have searched the house inside out before demolishing it. So we can cross it out. Because we can be sure that pen drive was not in the house"

"Yes bhai, this will cross out that. So we don't have to worry about the house or the belongings. And I am sure Khushi's father wouldn't leave something so important like this in plain sight"

"But Akash, how can we find a clue if it is somewhere else?"

"No NK, her father is not stupid. What I can see from what we know is that Mr Gupta planned his every move. So he probably have left some sort of a clue with Khushi for her to figure out where about of this pen drive when the time comes"

"But Arnav, I was 12 that time"

"That's my point. Whatever the clue was it was not something a 12-year-old could understand or find. It has to be something a person of your age can find"

"I agree with bhai. But the problem here is we have nothing on our hands. We didn't even know this existed a few hours ago"

"Akash is right Arnav. I agree my father might have left a clue but it's a dead end. We only have 24 hours if not he might harm Payal and LA"

"Bro, Arnav LA is my life dude. We have to save them"

Arnav took a minute to analyse the situation. He knew they have no clues or no idea where to look. It could be in this city, this country or somewhere out in the world. And they have less than 24 hours to search the whole thing. The task is impossible but Arnav never believed in giving up.

"Ok guys, here's what we are going to do. Akash and NK, you guys go and join the team. Save the girls from that maniac. Khushi and I will go for a wild goose chase. Saving LA and Payal won't stop this man. We have to find this pen drive so that we can stop him once and for all"

"But Arnav, where are we going to find a clue?"

"Khushi, remember that letter your dad received? The warning letter by G.A. This can't be a coincidence. A man with the same initials has been following you for years and now he is claiming your dad had a pen drive with contaminating information about him"

"OMG, you are right. G.A., Gaurav Arora. He is the murderer who killed my parents. I am not going to leave him Arnav. I swear I will kill him slowly so that he can feel the pain I felt for years"

"Khushi, calm down. Your dad died for a cause and we don't want to let it go in vain by rushing it"

Akash and NK stood next to Khushi assuring her that she is not alone. She has three of them standing by her like pillars. Arnav took her left palm and trapped it between his two palms.

"One more thing Khushi, we have to understand that your parents are no more. As harder as it is to admit, we can't deny the truth. There is nothing in this world we can do to bring them back. But what we can do is try our best to find that pen drive and finish what your dad has started"

As painful as it is, she knew what Arnav saying is true. She cannot change the past or bring them back to life. But she sure can make this place hell for G.A. Khushi closed her eyes and made a promise to herself. She will not rest until she brings justice to her parents.

She has three guys standing with her who are ready to die for her. What else does she need? Her parents died but they did leave her these three. She has seen the possessive side of Arnav and she knew Arnav will join the earth and the sky to protect her.

"Ok guys, let's move. Let's show that filthy son of an animal who we are"

NK called Sam and asked him to prepare a team and arrange their weapons while Akash called his team to meet him at a certain point. Sam arrange the requested team in no time. Akash was impressed by the team and when he saw the weapons they had, he couldn't stop looking at Arnav. All Arnav did was wink at him and gesture zipping his mouth.

Khushi came to Akash and NK who were now ready to go. She pulled both of them towards her and hugged them then whispered,

"You two better not die on me. He is too much for me to handle by myself so came back alive"


Cheers to their hunt :) Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. 

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The Guilty Onesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें