Chapter 23

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Khushi, NK and Akash rushed toward the ICU. All three had very negative vibes but non of them spoke about it. It has been almost 10 hours since the surgery. Arnav has not gained consciousness yet.

If he doesn't gain consciousness within the next 14 hours they might lose him. NK was the first to reach near ICU. They saw the doctor standing outside the entrance with a few extra scrubs on his hand.

"Doctor, what happened? Is he ok? Please tell me he is ok"

"First calm down Mr NK. Usually, we do not allow anyone inside ICU due to many risks. But given the situation, we are allowing this. First, all three of you should wear these scrubs and masks. We can't risk other patients getting germs"

The doctor handed over the scrubs and the masks to three of them.

"Now, listen to me carefully. Mr Raizada gained consciousness a few hours ago. We kept him under observation I can now say he is halfway out of danger. The risk is still there. For the next few hours, we will keep him under strict observation and if all goes well, we can transfer him to the room before the end of the day"

Khushi jumped and hugged the doctor. NK and Akash hugged each other. They couldn't express the relief they felt. Arnav is a fighter after all.

"As I said, he is not fully out of the risk. Therefore, I do not recommend you try to wake him up. We've given him a sedative to normalise his breathing. Just go and maybe spend a few minutes. One more thing, I can only allow one person at a time. So you decide who wants to go first"

"Khushi you go first"

"No NK, you go first, then Akash if you want you can go. I will go last"

"But Khushi"

"Please NK, you go first"

Khushi wanted to see Arnav but she wasn't ready to see him in a hospital bed with all these machines attached to him. She has seen severe patients, and she has experienced more difficult situations but she never felt the way she was feeling now.

NK followed the doctor and went inside the ICU. As soon as he saw his friend, his brother on the bed, he broke down.

Arnav might be a criminal to the rest of the world, but for him, Arnav is his family, his friend and his buddy.

NK touched his hand, gave it a little squeeze to show he is always there for him and left ICU. You never feel the pain until you experience it. For the first time, NK felt bad for those they have hurt.

Akash went to the ICU after NK. This unknown, unspoken feeling started building inside Akash. He remembered the emotional moment they shared the other day. He felt like the person laying on the bed is someone very close to him. Akash remembered his brother.

He never managed to imagine a vivid picture of him. All he has is a childhood picture of his brother with his parents. Maybe his brother was one or two years old at that time.

Every time he sees that picture it killed him and he does not have a single picture of him and his family. But seeing Arnav like this made him think his brother might be looking like Arnav. Of course, Arnav is Anand's son so he is not his brother but may be similar looking.

After spending a few minutes Akash touched Arnav's head, prayed to get well soon and left ICU.

Now it was Khushi's time. She wanted to go and see him but again she didn't want to. NK and Akash assured her that she will be ok and that if she feel like she can just come out.

"Khushi, just go and see for yourself. You are strong enough to be there"

"But guys, what if I....."

"Nothing, just go and see. If you feel like you want to come, then come out. I am sure if you don't go, it will disturb you until they transfer him to the room"

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