Chapter 5

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Like how he said, Jungkook headed back to the company after a while. He opened the door slowly and carefully, not wanting to create any noises in the middle of the night.

"Ahjussi-" Jungkook stopped speaking when he saw Taehyung's body bent a little, arms curled up as he buried his face inside his arms.

Jungkook approached the male, "Ahjussi?" He whispered. The soft snores emitted from the older male just made Jungkook so sure that the man had fallen asleep.

"Tsk, I thought he said tea doesn't help him?" Jungkook said, but couldn't stop his hand from touching the soft hair of Taehyung. He smiled a little when he saw Taehyung's peaceful sleeping face.


Jungkook retracted his hand, almost like flinching after Taehyung let out a small groan and back to sleep again. He shivered a little, "His cabin is kind of cold though..."

Noticed the male just wore white dress shirt with pants, Jungkook took off his jacket and carefully placed it on Taehyung's back, afraid he might wake the male up.

"Hope my jacket will keep him warm..." he mumbled with his lips pouty. He gave Taehyung's hair a few light pat before grabbing the mug on the table.

He was about to leave but something on the table caught his eyes. A few protein bars, some were opened and emptied, while some were unopened, scattered beside the computer.

Jungkook frowned. He hate protein bar so much. It taste not good to him and he doesn't understand why so many people take it as a good meal replacement.

He eyed Taehyung. The man was having protein bars, which means he didn't even have the time to cook for himself. "Poor ahjussi." Jungkook sighed, shaking his head.

An idea popped up in his mind. "I could make him breakfast! That will be great!" He exclaimed, lips curved up into a wide smile, soon he gasped, covering his mouth with his palm as he just realised he spoke too loud.

He glanced at Taehyung, breathed out in relief when he saw the male is still in deep slumber.

"Rest well, ahjussi." He said softly and switched the table lamp off so that Taehyung can have a batter sleep.


Taehyung woke up from his sleep and the first thing that he felt was his aching and stiff arms. He groaned heavily, raising his head up but winced when he felt pain around his neck.

He squinted his eyes when he was greeted with bright light. He remembered he didn't open the lights that bright, unless... It's morning now.

Taehyung snapped his eyes open, feeling really unbelievable that he actually had such a long sleep. It's be so long since he had a good sleep.

He straighten his body, wanting to stretch but he stopped his action when he felt something sliding down from his back.

He turned around, frowning when he saw a jacket. He grabbed it, soon he realised it was actually belongs to Jungkook. He remembered Jungkook wore it yesterday.

"That kid." Taehyung smiled, shaking his head. He folded the jacket nicely, smiling even brighter when a whiff of sweet fragrance, which he believes it was came out from the jacket. The sweet fragrance doesn't make Taehyung feel sick. Instead, it mixed perfectly with his cologne.

He put the jacket aside. Just when he was about to stand up, he noticed a plate with a bagel on top, with the filling of ham, cheese, lettuce and he knew there's more unseen filling inside the bagel. It looks fresh, like it was just made by someone else. Beside the bagel was a cup of hot coffee, which is not added any sugar or milk by the look of it.

He was confused by the sudden breakfast that popped up on his working table, but a small sticky note cleared up his mind. He tear it off from the table, reading the small note carefully.

Good morning! I bet you had a good sleep. I noticed there's a few protein bars on your table. By looking at the untidiness on your table and how you have difficulty to sleep, I bet you weren't capable to cook or take care of yourself. I made this bagel myself. Hope you will like it. (You better like it)

P.S.: I told you herbs tea helps you. ψ(')ψ
And stop calling me baby if I have a chance to see you again. (╯‵□′)┻━┻


Taehyung let out a small laugh after seeing the cute expression drawn under the notes. He is always a fan of good writings and good drawing skills, and Jungkook just capable in both of them.

He drawn out the drawer of the table, the place where he puts important contract and files. He carefully placed the small sticky note inside it and closed the drawer.

He averted his gaze to the bagel. Normally he doesn't eat breakfast. Jungkook was right about he wasn't able to cook, but what bothers him more was he doesn't like to eat at all. He always want something quick. Instead of spending the time eating, he would rather finish his works first.

But today Taehyung will give the bagel a try since it was made by Jungkook.

He grabbed it and took a bite. His eyes blown wide. He doesn't expect it to be that good. The filling inside the bagel suits Taehyung's liking very much, and all of them just mixed together and formed a taste that Taehyung doesn't know what good words in the world could describe it.

"Damn, baby is a best chef in the world." Taehyung muttered, again taking a big bite of the bagel.

He never had such a tasty breakfast before.

He let out a sigh. Warm feeling filled his usual empty and cold heart up. Receiving so much care and affection from Jungkook makes Taehyung yearned to have him more.

"His husband is so damn lucky." Taehyung murmured.

Ahjussi [Taekook] ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang