Chapter 23

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"You just can't do a single thing right can't you?!"

Taehyung shouted loudly, slamming the file on the desk hardly. His chest rises up and down, following his breath. He glared at the worker in front of him who's now trembling.

"I-I'm sorry Mr Kim. I'll redo it..." The male worker mumbled, bowing a few times to show that he's really sorry for making mistake in the file.

Taehyung spared a glance at the worker, making the man tugging his head down lower. He rubbed his forehead, trying to ease the pain in the head.

He let out a sigh. "Just get out. Take this rubbish away." He grabbed the file and threw it onto the floor. "If same mistake happens again, you know the consequences. Clear?"

"Y-Yes..." The worker quickly bent down and picked up the file, clutching it tightly. He bowed again to Taehyung even though he knows the male is too mad to see him bowing.

He left Taehyung's cabin and finally can get his regular breathing back. He let out a yelp when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw his colleague smiling at him.

"Got scolded again?"

"Yeah." The male worker shrugged. "This is the fifth time Mr Kim gotten that mad. He's always calm. I wonder what makes him this mad. He literally turns into another person yesterday."

His colleague let out a laugh. "Maybe he just got dumped by his girlfriend?"

"Very funny. He has been single for a million years." They kept gossiping, walking away to their own working place.

On the other hand, Taehyung is still having difficulty to calm his anger down. After having a fight with Jungkook and the words that Jungkook said to him, he felt something weird stuffed in his chest, making him unable to breath.

He's so not used to argue with the boy, not keeping a distance with him.

Taehyung sighed loudly. His hands made way to his neck, removing his neck tie as he threw it away. He unbuttoned a few buttons of his shirt, hoping this will ease the discomfort in his chest.

"I miss you, baby." Taehyung muttered, feeling really lonely in his huge cabin.


Taehyung leaned his head against the window of the car. He watched the scenery of the road, emptiness filled his heart.

"Mr Kim, are you okay?" Mr Lee asked as he stared at Taehyung through the side mirror.

"Mr Kim?"

"Huh?" Taehyung snapped himself out of his little world. "You called me?" He asked.

"Yes. Are you okay?" Mr Lee asked, worry laced in his tone.

Taehyung let out a loud sigh, "Yes." He muttered, lowered his head down as he stared at his fingers. In Mr Lee's perspective view, he looks like a kid who lost his favourite candy.

"We're heading back to the mansion, right?" Mr Lee asked.

"Yeah..." Taehyung replied, then silence again engulfed them. After a few seconds, Taehyung suddenly said, "Take me to the Euphoria Cafe, Mr Lee."

"Cafe? Okay..." Mr Lee said. His car came to a stop when he saw the red sign of the traffic light. He turned on the gps and set it to Euphoria Cafe.

Not for long, they reached the destination. Taehyung mentally prepared himself. He's still not ready to see the boy, and he bet the boy doesn't want to see him too, but he can't help it.

He feels like he's going to die in suffocation without the Jungkook in his life.

As he was busy straightening his clothes, Mr Lee noticed the lights inside the cafe is closed.

"Mr Kim, it seems like the cafe is closed." Mr Lee said.

Taehyung snapped his head up after hearing Mr Lee's statement. "I'll go down and check." He said as he got down from the car.

He walked quickly. The cafe indeed is closed.

Taehyung sighed loudly, disappointment hits him like a truck. He was about to leave but a flyer that stick on the door of the cafe caught his attention.

He reads the words on the flyer carefully.

"Euphoria Cafe will be shut down completely due to some personal issues... Anyone interested in buying this shop can contact Jeon Jungkook..." Taehyung's eyes widened in shock, "Sorry for the inconveniences and thank you for those who support this cafe."

Taehyung really couldn't describe how he's feeling right now. Is the boy avoiding him? What happened to Jungkook?

He doesn't know where to find Jungkook. He can easily check him, or even go to this house, but Taehyung doesn't want that. He's sure that Jungkook did this for a reason. He maybe closed the shop because of the events happened past few days.

Taehyung was really upset, but he choose to hide his sadness away. He walked back to his car calmly.

Mr Lee noticed the upset expression on Taehyung's face as he got into the car. He felt even worried for the man.

"It's closed right? Do you want to go somewhere else?" Mr Lee said, trying to cheer him up, "I know plenty of cafe that sell good coffee."

Taehyung shook his head. "No need. Take me to the bar, Mr Lee."

"Bar? What are you going there for?"

"Alcohol. I need it." Taehyung muttered, leaning his head against the soft leather seat of the car."

"Alcohol? It's not good for your health-" "Just go, Mr Lee."

Mr Lee sighed loudly. Although Taehyung and him were close, but they are still employer and employee relationship. He can't say no to Taehyung.

He started the car and headed to the bar.

There will be a lot of Taekook moments next chapter. Stay tuned for it~

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