Chapter 19

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Jungkook stepped out from the elevator once he reached 32nd floor. His eyes darted here and there, trying to see whether his husband is around or not.

Turns out Jimin was nowhere to be found. Jungkook let out a small sigh and headed to Taehyung's cabin.

He knocked the door twice, patiently waiting for Taehyung's response. He twisted the doorknob opened when he heard Taehyung said come in.

He walked inside, feeling rather awkward compared to previous days. He smiled a little when he saw Taehyung. "Hey." He greeted.

"Hi." Taehyung said and mirrored Jungkook's smile. He pointed at the thermal bag on his table, "Here, take it."

Jungkook mumbled a small okay. He used one hand to hold the thermal bag, another hand hold the glass container. He felt awkward after this.

"I-I'll go now-" "Wait, Jungkook. I have something to show you."

Jungkook stared at Taehyung with his wide bambi eyes, "What is it?"

Taehyung took out the photos that Hoseok gave him from the drawer. He hesitated a bit when he saw Jungkook's sparkling eyes. The boy is too innocent, why should he bear these pain?

But he needs to know, his husband is cheating behind him.

Taehyung placed the photos on the table. "Here. Look at these."

Jungkook's eyes fixed on the photos. He clutched the objects that he's holding onto tighter. His knuckles turned white and he couldn't describe how he's feeling right now.

His husband was indeed cheating behind him.

Jungkook felt his mind was stuffed with cotton until he couldn't think straight. His first instinct to tell him walk away from here and he did.

He ignored Taehyung's call. Just when he was about to touch the doorknob, the door opened by himself, revealing two person that he wouldn't want to see right now.

Seems like god didn't give him chance to run away.

"Oh we have a guest here?" Hoseok said, smiling widely.

Jungkook noticed the man is the same man in the photo, the person who makes him husband fell all over head. Hoseok's arm was around Jimin's waist, in a romantically way.

Jimin's eyes were equally widened as Jungkook. He looked at Hoseok for answer but the male just give him a sly smirk on return.

"Sorry if you don't know me. I should've introduce myself." Hoseok laughed a little, "My name is Hoseok and the man that I'm holding is my lover, Jimin. Why not you introduce yourself too, sweetheart?"

Jimin felt stares on him, including Jungkook's. "Hi, I'm Jimin."

Jungkook couldn't describe how disappointed he's feeling right now. Not just disappointed, he felt betrayed, depressed and upset with the behaviour of his husband. His husband decided to act like a stranger to him.

"What about you? Can I know your name?" Hoseok asked politely.

Jungkook's lips stretched up and formed a tight smile. "I-I'm Jungkook." His voice turned out to be hoarse and broken even though he tried to speak in normal voice. "I-I'm sorry but I really have to go-"

"Aww really? I though we can be friends! Oh before you go," Hoseok fished out something from his coat pocket. It's a card and painted in red, "It's our wedding invitation. Jimin and I haven't got engaged yet because we got a tiny problem. But we will be married after that so... I hope you will show up that day!"

Jungkook's hands were trembling and he couldn't control himself. His eyes were filled with tears as he stared at Jimin with hopeful eyes, hoping the male will clear this up but the man looked away.

"Is there anything wrong, Mr Jungkook?"

Jungkook heard Hoseok asked but he couldn't form a complete sentence with his mouth. "N-No-..." He's in the verge to breakdown. He looked at Taehyung this time.

He hasn't got the time to analyse Taehyung's face expression. He yelped out when he accidentally dropped the glass container onto the floor. It scattered into pieces, just like Jungkook's heart.

Taehyung immediately stood up from the seat and run towards Jungkook.

"I-I'm sorry-" Jungkook apologised. He crouched down, picking up the broken pieces. Sharp glasses pierced his skin until blood started to flow out from the wound. But he still didn't stop his action.

"Stop picking. The cleaner will clean it." Taehyung tried to stop Jungkook. The younger male swatted his hands away.

"I-I don't need your help." Jungkook said out. He picked up the broken pieces one by one, trying to fix the situation but he found himself couldn't make the glass container back to its own shape anymore.

He let out a cry. Why is he so useless? Why everyone leaves him at the end? He tried to treat everyone with kindness, but what he got in return is betrayal.

Black dots started to appear in his eyesight. He felt his head is spinning as his eyes rolled back, whole body tilted backward.

Taehyung caught the boy before he landed on the floor. "Jungkook!" He called out, shaking the unconscious boy a little but he didn't get any reply.

Jimin was shocked. He crouched down, wanted to touch Jungkook but Taehyung stopped him.

"Don't you dare to touch him." Taehyung spat out. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and legs, lifting him up. He rushed out of his room and headed downstairs as quick as possible.

Taehyung sighed in relief when he saw Mr Lee. "Mr Lee!!" He shouted and immediately caught the attention of the older man.

The man turned around, widened his eyes when he saw Taehyung and the unconscious Jungkook in his arms.

"Oh my, what happened?!" Mr Lee asked, equally panic as Taehyung.

"Drive us to the mansion first, Mr Lee. And call Doctor Kang here!"

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