Chapter 25

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Time flies fast and it was morning already. A ray of sunshine shines through the small window of Jungkook's room, shining on Taehyung's face.

Taehyung felt the light and he's feeling uncomfortable with it. His eyes squeezed shut. Groaning a little, he opened his eyes slowly to adjust with the bright light.

"Hmm..." he shifted his body, stretching it. When he finally got his clear eyesight back, he was greeted by the unfamiliar surrounding.

He sat up from the bed, instantly regretting his decision as he felt a sharp pain in his head. He hold his head, eyes busy scanning the room.

"Where am I? How did I end up here?" Taehyung asked softly. He tried to recall back what happened but the last thing he remembered was he drank a lot of beers in the bar.

He snapped his head to the left when he heard a clicking sound of the door. The door opened, and revealed the person that Taehyung was missing for the past two days.

Jungkook walked inside the room with a tray in his hands. On top of the tray was a bowl of porridge that he spent two hours to cook it. He didn't notice Taehyung was already awake, until he heard the man's voice.

"J-Jungkook?" Taehyung softly called out. His voice came out hoarse and deep, surprising himself too.

Jungkook almost dropped the porridge onto the floor. He breathed heavily, trying to calm his poor heart down after getting startled by the older man. He shot a glare at Taehyung as he placed the tray onto the table carefully.

"Are you feeling better?" Jungkook asked as he approached Taehyung.

Taehyung only concentrated on Jungkook but not the question he asked. He felt so happy to see the boy again. He just stare at Jungkook, wanting to capture every movement of the boy with his eyes.

Jungkook was worried about the silence of the older man. He stopped his steps when him and Taehyung only have an approximately 20 centimetres distance. Raising his hand up, he placed it on Taehyung's forehead.

Taehyung got back his sense when he felt Jungkook warm, soft hand on his forehead. He continued stared at Jungkook.

"Your temperature is normal though..." Jungkook mumbled, "Taehyung? Can you hear me, Taehyung?" He asked.

"Huh?" Taehyung stared at Jungkook, mind still in daze.

Jungkook made a 'I'm so done with you' face. He turned around and took the porridge with his hands. He sat down on the bed beside Taehyung. "Have this first."

Taehyung accepted the porridge, mumbling a small thank you to Jungkook. He started eating it, sparing glances to Jungkook from time to time.

Jungkook felt his glances, but he pretended he never feels them.

They were engulfed by silence, awkward one and Taehyung decided to break the silence.

"H-How did I end up here?" Taehyung asked, mentally cursing himself for stuttering.

"You got drunk and Mr Lee sent you here. He said you insisted to come here." Jungkook replied, head tugged down, "You were really drunk yesterday. Like really really drunk."

Taehyung got a bad feeling in his chest after Jungkook's statement. Did he does something wrong to Jungkook when he was drunk?

"Did I do anything or say anything wrong?" Taehyung asked, feeling really nervous.

"Yes you did." Jungkook said, making Taehyung almost choked on the porridge. He stifled a small laugh but Taehyung was too anxious to hear it.

"W-What did I do-" "Finish the porridge first." Jungkook replied, hiding his smile away.

Taehyung wanted to know it so bad. He quickly finished the porridge. After a few moment, he put the bowl away when he finished it.

"What did I do?" Taehyung asked m, eagerness could be heard in his tone.

Jungkook decided to play with the man for a while. He said nothing and stood up from the bed, walking away.

Taehyung widened his eyes at Jungkook's action. He threw the blanket away and got down from the bed. He almost fell with his face on the floor because his knees wobbled, but thankfully he didn't.

He grabbed Jungkook's wrist. "Jungkook! Tell me, please..." he begged.

Jungkook was working so hard to stop his curving up lips. He still didn't give the man any reply.

Well, he should have give the man a respond if he knew Taehyung's next action.

The older man suddenly knelt down on his knees, grabbing Jungkook's wrist with both of his hands. "Please tell me!"

"What are you doing- Get up!!" Jungkook was taken back with his action. He tried to pull Taehyung up but the man didn't budge at all.

Jungkook decided to kneel down with Taehyung, but it was quickly stopped by the older man.

"Don't knelt on the floor. It's cold!" Taehyung explained while he's still kneeling.

"Kim Taehyung, get up now." Jungkook warned.

"I'm not getting up until you tell me!" Taehyung yelled loudly, shaking his head in tiny.

Jungkook took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger down. "I'll count to three. If you don't get up and get back to the bed, I'll will never ever talk to you. One-"

Jungkook hasn't finished saying one, Taehyung already got up and jumped back to the bed. Jungkook swear the speed of the male was even quicker than the lightening.

He let out a sigh when he saw Taehyung staring at him with pleading eyes. The older man looks so obedient right now.

"Please tell me..." Taehyung muttered sadly, blinking his eyes.

Jungkook shook his head in defeat. He let out a small laugh. He walked towards Taehyung and sat beside him. "Fine, I'll tell you."

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