Chapter 36

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"Where's ahjussi, Mrs Lim? He hasn't gone back from work?" Jungkook asked as he placed the groceries bag on the kitchen island.

Mrs Lim spared a glance at the male before saying, "Yeah. Maybe he still have unfinished work. That's why he's coming home late." She replied, giving the male a small smile.

Jungkook nodded his head. He began to take out the vegetables and snacks that he bought from the bag, placing them inside the fridge. Once he's done arranging everything, he decided to take a shower.

He headed to his and Taehyung's shared bedroom. He took of his jacket and placed it on a chair. When he was about to leave, a small object on the table caught his attention. He stopped his track, eyes fixed on the sticky note that attached to the surface of the table.

Out of curiosity, he reached his hand out for the sticky note.


Let me guess, you just finished buying groceries in the mall and you're about to take a shower. Did I guess it right? But whatever, it's not important. You don't have to cook dinner today. Tell Mrs Lim to take a rest too. I will take you out for dinner tonight. I've told Mr Lee where will we have our dinner. So just dress well and enjoy your time! I'll be there by 7. \(////)\

Your ahjussi,

Jungkook let out a small chuckle when he saw the small blushing doodle that Taehyung drew. It's poorly drawn, but it's still look cute in Jungkook's eyes.

He opened the drawer and placed the sticky note securely inside. He turned around and glanced at the clock on the wall. A small gasp escaped from his lips when he realised it's almost six now.

He quickly rushed to the bathroom while head still running with questions about where will Taehyung take him to dinner.


"We've arrived, Mr Jungkook." Mr Lee said, earning a small hum from the younger male.

"Thank you, Mr Lee." Jungkook said as he got down from the car. He held the car door, making it wide opened, "Are you sure you don't want to join us?" He asked the older.

"I'm sure, Jungkook-ssi. Gosh, you're acting like an old man now. You've been asking this question over and over again." Mr Lee teased, scrunching his face, getting a small chuckle from Jungkook in return.

"Okay then. Goodbye!" He waved at the man, closing the door in process. He turned around, feeling a whiff of air behind him when Mr Lee drove away, leaving him alone, standing in front the fancy restaurant.

Jungkook took a few deep breath. He wasn't used to dine in fancy restaurant. He loves to cook, that's why he rarely goes out to eat. He clutched the hem of the sweater tightly, decided to be more confident. He raised his head up and walked inside the restaurant.

As he walked inside, he found many people sitting, basically having conversations with each other. The whole room was filled with the sound of people chit chatting and laughing at times. This scene brought a smile to Jungkook's face.

He looked around, trying to spot a familiar presence- "Baby!" A heard a loud shout on his left side. He quickly turned his head, finding Taehyung waving his hand, lips stretched out to a wide smile.

Heat instantly rushed up to Jungkook's cheeks when he noticed people are staring at him and Taehyung with curiosity in their eyes. Jungkook walked towards Taehyung with rushed steps. "Put your hand down, Taehyungie!" He gestured the older man with hushed voice.

"Aww, baby highness is feeling embarrassing now?" Taehyung teased. He put his hands up in surrender when Jungkook shot him a glare, which Taehyung can seriously tell the glare is the same glare that was given by the younger male before he ended up sleeping on the couch without Jungkook in his arms.

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