Chapter 17

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"Morning, Jungkook."

Jungkook turned around when he heard Jimin greeted him. He was a bit shocked since it was the first time Jimin greeted him first.

"Morning." He softly replied. He placed a plate of scrambled eggs on the table. Yes, he again prepared breakfast for Jimin even though he knew he wouldn't eat it.

Jungkook expected Jimin to walk away, but he didn't expect Jimin pulled the chair and sit on it.

"Nice breakfast." Jimin said plainly. He grabbed the fork and started eating his breakfast. "They tasted good." He muttered with food inside his mouth.

"T-Thank you?" Jungkook answered in a questioning way. He was really confused with the change of attitude of his husband. But he shrugged it off, since he kinda like the changes.

He grabbed the thermal bag that has Taehyung's breakfast inside and walked passed Jimin. "I'll go now." He said to his husband.

"Where are you going?" Jimin asked.

"A customer ordered breakfast from me. I have to send it for him." Jungkook replied without turning around.

"Oh, stay safe, Jungkook."

Jungkook clutched the thermal bag tighter. What's wrong with Jimin? He wanted to ask the question so badly but he couldn't. But one thing he need to admit was, he did feel happy at the sudden change of attitude of his husband.

"Goodbye, Minnie hyung." Jungkook muttered and walked out of the house.


Because of Jimin's behaviour, Jungkook felt himself happier than usual. He hummed a random melody as he headed to Taehyung's company.

He reached the 32nd floor. Many workers that worked there recognised him now as he frequently send breakfast for Taehyung.

"Morning." One of the worker even greeted Jungkook.

"Morning~" Jungkook replied with a wide smile on his face. He walked towards Taehyung's cabin, knocking the door for thrice before entering.

"Ahjussi?" Jungkook called out as he peeked in the room, finding the male sitting on his working chair, busy typing something on the keyboard, "Breakfast is here."

Taehyung set his gaze on Jungkook, "You're just on time. I'm starving." He said, lips turning a little pouty, making Jungkook laughed out.

"You're pouting like a camel." Jungkook said in between his laugh while placing the thermal bag on the desk.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Whatever. Acting cute doesn't suit me." He muttered.

"Yes you're right~" Jungkook said in a singing way. He took out a container with fresh breakfast inside and placed it in front of Taehyung, "Enjoy your food sire~" he said, smiling widely.

Taehyung noticed the happy expression of the boy. Jungkook is always a happy person, but today he looks extra happy.

"Did you meet something or someone today? You're looking too happy than usual." Taehyung said while starting to have his breakfast.

"I didn't, but," Jungkook paused as he leaned closer to Taehyung, "My husband apologised to me yesterday! It's been so long since I heard his apology!"

Taehyung was about to shove a cherry tomato inside his mouth, but his hand halted in the middle of the air after hearing Jungkook's words. He doesn't know why he felt his heart just got stabbed by something sharp when Jungkook talk about his husband.

"Is that so?" Taehyung snapped himself from his mind before saying awkwardly.

"Yeah. He even eat the breakfast I made this morning! And also, he told me to stay safe! It's so unbelievable!" Jungkook said, his smile never leaving his face.

This hurts Taehyung more. He spent time comforting the crying bunny yesterday but now, the bunny is smiling because his husband eat the breakfast that he made?

"You love your husband?" Taehyung  asked. He knew his question was completely out of topic, but he couldn't help but ask it. He's too mad at that moment.

Jungkook's body visibly froze. "W-What? Why did you suddenly ask me this question?" He stammered.

"Answer me, Jungkook. Do you love your husband?" Taehyung asked, "Or should I say, does your husband loves you?"

Jungkook's head hung low. After a few moment, "I should go now." He said, ignored Taehyung's question.

Taehyung watched the bunny boy walked away, again got the feeling of something squeezing his heart until blood started dripping out. The boy is going back to his husband isn't he? Taehyung can't help but have this thought.

"Your husband is cheating behind you." Taehyung blurted out. He didn't think of any consequences before saying this sentence out. At first, he was determined to keep this secret for a while because he think Jimin might confess to Jungkook. Taehyung knows once he said it out, he can't take it back.

But Taehyung wasn't thinking about these. He just doesn't feel good when he saw Jungkook pouring his heart out to take care of his husband but what his husband did in return was cheating behind him.

"What did you say?" Jungkook's shoulder, whole body was trembling.

"Park Jimin is cheating behind you. He doesn't love you. He cheating with-" "Stop spitting nonsense!!" Jungkook suddenly screamed out. He turned around, eyes were red and Taehyung can see hurt in them.

"Why should I trust you? He will never cheat." Jungkook muttered, glaring at Taehyung, "You don't even have evidence to prove that he's cheating behind me."

"I'll never lie to you, Jungkook." Taehyung said. He sighed out when Jungkook stormed out of the room without saying anything.

He ran his fingers through his hair, grabbing a fistful of it. "I think I messed up..." he mumbled, again sighing loudly.

Jungkook rushed out of the company, running like a mini rocket. He slowed down when he felt discomfort in his chest. He stopped running and placed his hand on the bench for support.

He exhaled and inhaled deeply. After some time, he got his breath back but his chest is still hurting. Not because of the previous running, but the words that Taehyung said just now.

His husband is cheating behind him.

Jungkook shook his head. "It might not be true. Taehyung doesn't know Jimin..." he comforted himself.

He chuckled bitterly. "As long as I didn't believe this, it will not be true." He told himself.

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