Chapter 15

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"Ahh..." Jungkook whimpered a little as he turned his body. His eyes were squeezed shut until wrinkles formed at the end of his eyes. His hands automatically went to his aching head.

He groaned loudly. He shifted his body a little but his movement seems to make his head hurts more.

He forcefully opened his eyes and he was greeted with the white ceiling. He couldn't remember anything happened yesterday or where he is now.

Jungkook got up from the bed difficultly. He held his head with his hand, scanning the whole room. The room was painted with black and grey paint, even the bed sheets were grey, makes the whole room look lifeless.

Oh yeah, Jungkook remembered now. He's in Taehyung's room.

"Ahjussi..." he softly called out but received no reply. He guessed Taehyung might left the room. He threw off the think duvet that covered his lower body.

He set his feet in the floor and stood up from the bed. He was surprised that he still able to walk.

Jungkook felt his throat and mouth were dry. He headed to the bathroom. He noticed there's new toothbrush and towel folded neatly on the sink, so he took it and do his morning routine.

After washing his face and drying it with the clean towel, he felt better and has a clearer mind. He walked out from the bathroom. Carefully, he opened the bedroom door.

Jungkook headed downstairs. He found the living room was totally empty. "Where is ahjussi..." he asked himself. He heard some voice coming out from the kitchen, so he walked towards there.

He saw Mrs Lim, back facing him while cooking. "Morning Mrs Lim." Jungkook greeted her.

"Oh morning Jungkook." Mrs Lim turned around and placed the spatula aside. "Had a good sleep?" She asked.

"Yes. Where's ahjussi?" Jungkook asked.

"Ahjussi? You mean Mr Lee?" Mrs Lim, feeling rather confused.

Jungkook shook his head. "No..." he mumbled. Now he realised he doesn't remember Taehyung's real name. His aching head doesn't help this situation at all.

"Who is it then?" Mrs Lim tried to think of any other person in the mansion that is around middle aged but he couldn't think of any. Suddenly, a person came up in her mind.

"You mean Master Taehyung?"

Jungkook's eyes lit up. "Yes!" He smiled widely, "Yes, ahjussi- No I mean Taehyung, where's he?" He asked.

Mrs Lim stifled a small laugh. "Why would you give Taehyung such a nickname?" She asked.

Jungkook felt a little embarrassed at her question. Mrs Lim is right, Taehyung hasn't reached the age to be called a ahjussi, but Jungkook started get used to call the male ahjussi. He grinned sheepishly, "I call him ahjussi ever since the day I met him."

"I see-" "Morning baby." Jungkook felt a hand on his back as a deep voice spoke beside his ear. Hot air hits his ear, sending shivers down his spine. He hold his right ear with both of his hands as he snapped his head to the right.

"A-Ahjussi! Are you a cat? Why didn't I hear your footsteps?!" Jungkook asked as he glared at Taehyung.

Taehyung let out an amused chuckle. "Baby, are you a bunny? Get scared so easily huh?" He bend down a little until his eye level same as Jungkook, "Now I realised you do look like a bunny."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, lips turning pouty, "I don't look like a bunny!" He argued.

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say~" Taehyung shrugged, walking out of the kitchen.

"Yah ahjussi!!" Jungkook followed the male, stomping his feet on the floor hardly.

Mrs Lim watched the whole scene, trying her best not to squeal out because of the cuteness she was receiving. She could literally hear them arguing in a cute way in the dining area.

"Ohh~ Mrs Kim is going to love that boy." She muttered to herself with a smile decorated on her face. She lifted up two plates with foods on top as she headed towards the dining area.

"Stop saying I look like a bunny!!"

Mrs Lim got greeted by Jungkook's angry voice once she reached the dining area. She examined Taehyung's face expression, turned out the male was watching the boy with a fond smile on his face.

She could literally see sweetness dripping from Taehyung's eyes when he looked at the boy.

"But you do look like a bunny." Taehyung replied, earning a groan from the younger.

"I don't know how to communicate with you!" Jungkook huffed loudly.

Mrs Lim stifled a small laugh. She walked towards them, placing the food on the table. "Here comes the breakfast." She said, smiling widely.

Jungkook mumbled a small thank you to Mrs Lim and took the plate of food in front of him.

Taehyung watched the boy started eating the food quietly. He never enjoyed watching someone eating this much.

Jungkook felt Taehyung's stare on him. He ignored it at first, but soon he started to get annoyed of it.

"Mister Kim Taehyung, will you stop staring or not?" Jungkook asked with sarcasm dripping in his words.

"Oops, sorry. I was trying to check whether you have bunny ears or not." Taehyung shrugged and started eating his food.

Jungkook wanted to yell at the older man so bad, but he took a deep breath and calm himself down when he noticed Mrs Lim is still around.

He looked down at the floor and suddenly something popped up in his mind. "Mrs Lim." He softly called out, immediately earning the attention of the older woman.


"Can you tell me what brand of detergent you used to clean the floor? It's so shiny!" Jungkook exclaimed, eyes sparkling.

Mrs Lim let out a small chuckle. "Well, they're shiny, but not as shiny as your eyes." She complimented, making Jungkook blushed. "I'll tell you the brand name later. Finish your food first." She said.

Jungkook nodded his head. He turned and faced Taehyung, "And ahjussi, can you send me to my house later?"

"Sure." Taehyung replied shortly, "Your clothes is in the laundry room. Mrs Lim washed them yesterday. You can wear it." He said with a small smile on his face.

"Thank you so much!!" Jungkook said out loudly, smiling widely until his bunny teeth were out.

"You're welcome." Taehyung loves his smile so much. And he wishes nothing will bring his smile down.

That's why he decided to keep the secret first.

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