chapter 4 - thinking of you

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Collins POV

I don't know why Riven was mad about me trying to help her yesterday. I was just trying to be nice and also just shut Sage up. Message received though. No more trying to help her out.

I don't know why it is bothering me so much. It is all I could think about yesterday and now as I sit with my friends during break.

"Hey are you guys going to go to Nico's kickoff party?" Levi asks as we sit in the courtyard.

"Well obviously. It is the first party of the year" Saylor responds as they both turn their attention towards me.

"Huh? Um yeah I'll going" I respond as I see their stares.

"It won't be awkward for you? I mean so many people tend to hook up at this party and Nico is Blackview's number one bachelor right now" Levi asks.

"I already told you guys that we are cool. We are still friends. And if he wants to hookup with someone then all luck to him. I mean I could hook up with someone too"

"Ayy that's my girl. Getting back out there" Saylor says with excitement.

"Wait, are you and Finn finally going to get together?" Levi quickly asks.

"What? No way, why would you ask that. We are just friends" I chuckle.

"Yeah cause you have been with Nico, but now that you are single I am sure he is going to shoot his shot" Saylor responds.

"I'm not really into Finn in that way anyways. And I am not trying to get into anything serious anytime soon. I want to just have fun. No drama. No commitments" I say.

"Yo so who is ready for the party!" Nico shouts as he and Simon approach us and sit down.

"You all are coming right?" Simon asks.

"Of course, we wouldn't miss it" Saylor responds.

You would think that two exes wouldn't still be partying together, let alone still hanging out but me and Nico are still close. I have no feelings for him anymore, but we were friends before we dated and still care about each other. And he does throw really fun parties.

We continue to talk about the party until the bell rings for our next class. Nico walks me to AP Literature since his class is next to mine. If I would've known the amount of stares we would get then I would've just walked alone.

"Well this isn't awkward at all" Nico says.

"What? walking your ex to class as everyone at school stares at you?" I sarcastically respond.

"Yeah I feel like I am being objectified" Nico chuckles.

"I am sure people will get over this soon"

"I hope so. Well this is me. I am glad we can still be friends after everything. I honestly don't know what I would do without you in my life, even if we are just friends" Nico says.

"Yeah I don't think I would want you completely out of my life either. And thanks again for not hating me"

"Collins, it is all good. I mean yeah it hurt a bit in the beginning, but you can't help what you feel. I liked that you were honest with me then lying to me" he responds as we both smile at each other before walking into our classroom.

As I enter the classroom, I see a now familiar face. Riven Dagger. She is sitting in my favorite spot, again. We make eye contact before I turn to sit somewhere else, but I am stopped by a hand grabbing my wrist. It feels like a spark spreading throughout my entire body.

"Collins, wait" she says as I turn to face her.

"I want to apologize for acting like a dick yesterday. You were trying to be nice and I responded badly"

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