chapter 22 - pretty great

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Riven POV 

I think I fell in love with Collins all over again when she gave me my bracelet. It is so beautiful and what she told me melted my heart. I love this girl so much. No one has ever given me anything this special and amazing before.

"Collins, did you want us to die?" I ask as we get to the restaurant.

"I wasn't even going that fast"

"You were going 95 on a 70"


"You are lucky we are running late because any other time I will be yelling at you"

This is probably one of the nicest restaurants I have ever been to. It looks very expensive. The hostess shows us to our table where Collins' parents and Kian are already sitting.

"Mom, dad this is Riven" Collins introduces me to her parents.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Frost I am so happy to finally get to meet you" I say as I walk over to them to shake their hands.

"Oh come here you are part of the family now" Mrs. Frost says as she hugs me.

"It is so great to finally meet you too Riven" Mr. Frost says as he hugs me as well.

"We have heard so much about you since Collins told us that you two were together" Mrs. Frost smiles.

"Okay mom you don't have to tell her everything"

"No, please, tell me everything" I smile as we sit down. "Not so fun now is it?" I whisper to her, she just smiles at me.

For the rest of dinner I got to know Collin's parents more and vice versa.

"So I see that you also have a competitive family" Mr. Frost says.

"Yes, we do. Me and Fallon haven't been allowed to play board games during family night since I was 10" I laugh.

"And is this Fallon the same Fallon that Kian asked out?" Mrs. Frost questions as she turns to Kian.

"Yes it is" Collins smiles.

"Okay this dinner isn't about me" Kain tries to change the subject.

"I know I am your idol Kian, but you really had to go to the point of dating a Dagger too" Collins says sarcastically.

"In all fairness we are pretty great" I chuckle.

"Yeah, they are" Collins smiles as she stares at me.

After dessert we talked for a little while more. I taught Collins' parents all the positions of soccer. I think they are actually going to come to my game, which made me really happy.

Collins' parents are really good parents. They work a lot, but they always put their family first. They make sure to be at their kid's games, birthdays, school events, and whenever they need them. They also take a lot of family trips.

They are not the snobby entitled family most people would think they are. In reality her parents could have retired years ago, but they are extremely hard workers and love what they did.

They both try to convince their kids to attend their alma mater. Mr. Frost was a bit butthurt when Clarke decided to go to Stanford and not Yale. Mrs. Frost on the other hand was so excited for her daughter to follow in her footsteps.

Clarke committed to Stanford more for basketball, but she is also very smart. She is double majoring in Business Management and Computer Science. She plans to work at the family company and eventually take it over along with Collins and Kian.

I knew that Collins had Stanford on her list of possible schools, but she wants to give other schools a chance before she set herself to just one. Kian is the only one that doesn't plan on going to Stanford or Yale. He really wants to go to UCLA.

Since it is Sunday and we have school the next day we do not stay out late. Collins drove me home after I said bye to her parents and Kian. This time she didn't drive like a maniac.

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