chapter 32 - really happy

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Riven POV

It is the day before New Year's Eve and I am so excited. Leah and Jordan are arriving today to spend New Years with me. We are all going to Levi's party tomorrow. I am so excited that they are coming down and that I finally get to see Jordan again. I haven't seen her since I left.

They are driving down which takes about two hours depending on the traffic, but knowing that
Leah is driving, they will make it in less than that. So they should be here around 2:00 pm. For the meantime I clean my room and make space for the air mattress. It is going to be a tight fit but we will make it work.

When I hear a car honk outside I run down with excitement.

"Jordan!" I shout as I run up to her and hug her.

"Oh my god Riven I missed you so much" she hugs me tight.

"Nice to see you too, Riven" Leah says.

"Sorry Leah" I chuckle before giving her a big hug as well.

"I am so happy you guys are both here"

"Me too. I am so excited to meet all your friends. And your girlfriend" Jordan says with an emphasis on girlfriend which makes me smile.

"I am excited for you to meet everyone too. They are all really great"

"From what you both have told me they seem pretty great. Leah won't shut up about Dani"

"That's not true" Leah rebuttals. Me and Jordan give each other a look before we start laughing.

"Bro you literally talk about her all the time" Jordan replies. "It's cute though. I haven't seen you blush like that before, like ever"

"Don't tell Dani I told you this but she is always blushing when she is texting with you. We don't even have to ask her who she is texting because we all know it is you by her reaction"

"Wait really" Leah smiles.

"Yes. She really likes you"

"Okay I was going to tell you guys later but I was thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend at the New Year's Eve party"

"Yes!" Jordan says with excitement.

"You definitely should. She will for sure say yes" I say.

We head inside with their bags. After greeting my parents and catching up with them for a bit we went upstairs. They talk to Fallon for a while before we go into my room.

"Okay well before you meet everyone I should give you a heads up about Levi. He has no filter and no shame" I laugh.

"Sounds like my type of guy" Jordan responds.

"Yeah I could definitely see you guys hitting it off" Leah and I laugh.

"Nico looks like he would be the stereotypical pretty boy jock but he isn't. He is actually really sweet and sometimes a bit too bold but in the best way possible. Simon is like a little puppy. Saylor has an rbf but is actually really chill. Dani is just a teddy bear unless you get on her bad side"

"That is so true" Leah chuckles.

"And Collins. Well I can talk about her for so long but in short she may seem like a typical popular rich girl but she is so far from the stereotype. I think you will like her"

"I think so too. She is really cool and nice. Nothing like what I first thought she will be" Leah replies.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Well when I first learned that she was a popular girl and that she was rich I was a bit worried for you. I didn't want what happened to you to happen again. But when I got to know her I saw how different and better she is than Riley. And how much she cares about you"

"Yeah, same. When Leah told me about Collins my mind went immediately to Riley but then she told me about how she is with you and how you guys are together, all my worry went away after that. And also just the photos I see of you too shows so much love between the both of you"

"You guys are going to make me cry"

"We don't mean to. We are just really happy for you. You deserve someone like Collins who treats you like you are the most important thing to her"

"Thanks guys. I am really happy too"

For the rest of the night we just catch up. We talk for hours. It is just like when we used to hangout at school and on the weekends. I miss them so much. And I miss having these hangouts with them.

Leah and Jordan mean something to me in a different way that my new friends mean to me. They all mean a lot, but with Leah and Jordan it is different. They were the only ones that were nice to me at school. The only ones that I could talk to at school about most things in my life.

Things at Milton were not always fun but when they were it was because of them two. They got me through my rough days and always had my back. I honestly think that more people would've given me more shit if it weren't for them being afraid of Leah. I owe them a lot, but they never ask for anything of me.


The next morning we all slept in. Wasn't the brightest idea to go to sleep late considering we are going to be up late for New Years, but we were having a lot of fun.

After breakfast we hung out with my family for a bit. My parents love Leah and Jordan, especially after I told them about how they were the only ones that helped me through everything that happened at Milton.

I was planning on showing Jordan around town for a bit to blow some time, but we decided to just stay in until we have to get ready for the party.

After a couple hours we put on some music and all get ready in my room. I decided to wear some jeans with a cropped peach satin open back top. I curled my hair as well. Leah is wearing a short emerald green silk thin strapped dress. Jordan is wearing a black lace crop top with a suede burgundy skirt. 

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