chapter 29 - it worked

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Riven POV

I am so happy that we are finally on break and that Leah is here for a few days. I have missed her so much. I wish Jordan was here too, but I understand why she couldn't be.

"So?" I ask Leah with a big grin on my face.

"So what?"

"You and Dani!"

"I think I really like her" Leah smiles.

We got up to my room to continue talking. And so I can ask her so many questions. I know that I gave Dani Leah's number a while ago but I didn't know that they were talking like everyday since.

"At first we were just texting to get to know each other like you would, but then we started to facetime each other so much. She is really funny and nice. And obviously hot" Leah explains.

"I am so glad that you guys hit it off. Dani is honestly the best. She helped me a lot when me and Collins got into that fight I told you about"

"Yeah she is really great. And I have only known her for like a couple weeks. Also I am so happy things worked out for you guys. I really like Collins"

"I am really happy it worked out too" a smile arises on my face.

"The way you two look at each other makes me want to puke but in an adorable kind of way" Leah chuckles.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you seriously not notice how you two are looking at each other? It is like we are all your background characters in the most romantic love story movie. You two look at each other like how I wish someone would look at me"

"I guess I never noticed it" I smile.

What she said brought me so much warmth and happiness. I know that me and Collins sometimes get stuck into these little moments but no one has ever described it to me from the outside perspective.

"You deserve it though Riven. She treats you as the way that all of your stupid exes should have treated you. And after everything that happened I am so happy that you met her"

"Thank you. She makes everything that happened worth it, because if it didn't then I wouldn't be with her"

We continue to talk some more about her and Dani. She tells me everything they have in common and what they have talked about so far. The entire time she is talking about Dani she has a smile on her face.

Leah can be pretty intense at times and loves to have a good time, but inside she is one of the most loyal, caring, and bravest people I know. A lot of her exes have treated her like she wasn't worth their time or used her for something. But I think that Dani will be so much better for her and show her how a relationship should be.


We both wake up around 11 am and head downstairs for breakfast.

"She gets up every morning before ten?" Leah is in shock.

"Yup. Every morning. I had the same reaction as you when I first learned that" I was telling Leah about how Collins wakes up early every day and that I wake up from a morning text from her.

"And she hasn't missed one day?"

"Besides the day that I slept over hers, no. She is very consistent"

"Morning girls. What have you guys planned today?" my mom says as we enter the kitchen.

"Morning Daggers" Leah says to my mom and dad.

"Collins invited us over to just chill by the pool and swim" I answer my mom.

"Oh cool. Well me and your dad are going to have a date day today so we probably won't be home till 8/8:30"

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