chapter 14 - can't be in love

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Collins POV

I can't believe that I completely ruined one of the best things that has ever happened to me. How could I be such a self-centered idiot.

It's been almost two weeks since Riven ended things. She hasn't spoken to me since. She won't even look at me. She switched seats so that she wouldn't be near me and she stopped sitting with us at lunch. She still talks to the group, but just not with me.

I have sent her so many messages and called her a lot, but every time I get no response. And if I try to go up to her at school she walks in the opposite direction.

I want to apologize and tell her how much I messed up. How much I regret everything I said. How much I miss her. It has only been two weeks, but it feels like months. It feels like a piece of me is missing. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to get her back. I don't even know if she will take me back.

My friends have noticed how upset I have been, but they don't know why. They have tried to ask me, but I blow them off and say I'm fine. I haven't gone out with them or talked much when we are together. I haven't even been practicing with Kian, who also knows something is wrong. We are really close and he knows when I am feeling down. I don't know who to talk to.

I sit here at school right now just staring at my friends. I know they are speaking but I am not listening to what they are saying.

"Collins, please come to the game on Friday we really need your support" Nico says.

"Huh?" I replied not having heard what Nico said.

"Will you please come to the game tomorrow we need you" he repeats.

"Sorry Nico, I don't know if I can make it"

"Come on please, we are playing our rivals. And the last two games you and Riven flaked"

"I said I don't know"

"What is up with you lately? You haven't hung out with us in so long and when we are together you barely talk"

"Yeah what's wrong?" Saylor asks with concern.

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"Dude no you aren't. We can tell something is wrong" Levi says.

As I look past Levi who is sitting in front of me I see Riven. She is laughing really hard at something.

I start to slightly smile seeing Riven's beautiful smile, but it soon goes away when I notice that she is sitting with Dani and some of her teammates. I can't tell if it is hurt or anger that I start to feel, but I don't want to keep seeing them together.

"Well maybe you don't know me like you think you do!" I say to Levi angrily, not meaning to, but it just came out like that.

They all look at me not knowing what to say as well as surprised that I shouted at Levi. I can't take it anymore. I need to get out of here. I get up, grab my backpack and start to walk away.

"Collins, where are you going?" Saylor shouts slightly.

"Just leave me alone, I'm fine!" I shout back not realizing how loud I just yelled until people begin to stare at me and the cafeteria begins to go silent.

I turn to see that Riven and Dani are staring at me from their table. My eyes begin to get watery, but I quickly turn around and walk to my car.

Needing to get away from everyone, I decided to drive home. Kian is at school and my parents are working so I know no one will bother me.

As soon as I get home I go up to my room, slamming my door in frustration and laying on my bed. I start to cry as I lay there in silence with my feelings. I don't want to be alone, but I have no one to talk to.

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