chapter 17 - speechless

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Collins POV

During the first half of lunch I went up to Fallon and made my apology. Half the school already knew what happened between Riven and I but I wanted to tell her myself. I told her the truth of how much I regretted what I did and how I would never do anything to intentionally hurt Riven ever again. And I also gave her permission to kill me if I did. That made her laugh.

"Riven how did you know Collins was into girls?" Levi asks. We are all sitting together at lunch.

"Honestly I don't know how you guys didn't notice Collins was into girls. She made it so obvious the first time we talked" Riven responds.

"What no I didn't" I reply. "I didn't even flirt with you right away so how would you have known?"

"Babe you were literally staring at my lips as soon as you came up to me for the first time in class. And you also checked me out. You aren't as slick as you think you are" Riven and the others laugh.

"Well you aren't that slick either because I noticed you checking me out on the first day too. You had 'fuck me eyes' while looking at me"

"Because I wanted to fuck you. And I got what I wanted so I guess it worked" Riven smirks making me blush.

"You two are too horny for school" Simon says.

"Levi is the one who asked the question" I laugh.

"Simon stop being a prude. Please elaborate on how it worked, Riven" Levi says.

"Sorry Levi but what happens in the bedroom stays between me and Riven"


"Well, if that is the rule then I could tell you what happened in the car" Riven says to Levi.

"Riven!" I shout at her.

"What happened in the car!" Levi asks with anticipation.

"No, you are not telling him Riven"

"Oh come on Collins. It was really hot" she smiles.

"Um no. No way"

"Babe calm down, I am just playing. You think I would give out details for free?" Riven laughs.

"Oh ha, ha, ha very funny" I say.

"You have cleaned your car though since whatever happened, happened, right?" Saylor asks.


"Collins! You drive us to school almost everyday. We have been sitting there!" Saylor shouts.

Me and Riven look at each other and laugh as Levi and Saylor look disgusted at what they could have possibly been sitting in while in my car. I was going to tell them that we didn't have sex in my car, but it was too funny messing with them so I ran with it for a bit.

"Before you puke Saylor nothing happened in the passenger seat" Riven says winking at me.

"Oh god it was in the backseat?! That is where I always sit" Levi shouts.

"No it wasn't in the backseat either. It was in the driver seat" Riven replies.


"See I was on top of Collins and-"

"Please stop" I smile as I place my hand over her mouth.

"We were torturing them thinking that we did something where they sit, I was just clearing things up. Or they would never get in your car again" Riven smiles.

"Oh so Riven is the top, interesting" Levi says as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Um no she isn't"

"I definitely was that day. And the next" she smirks.

"Ooo and out comes the details" Nico says as they all lean in to hear more since Riven is in a sharing mood.

"Do you just want to tell them everything?" I ask Riven.

"No, but it is fun to see you all flustered"

"Oh, is it now? Okay then. Yes, Riven was on top that day and a little of the next but she quickly learned to love the bottom" I smirk at her.

I normally would be a bit embarrassed about talking about this in public, but she was turning me on a bit. It is my turn to get her flustered.

"What was it that you said, oh yeah it was something like, "that feels so good Collins" I moan. I can see as Riven begins to blush.

"Holy shit" Saylor laughs.

"Yup definitely shouldn't be talking about this at school" Simon says. Simon is the shy one of the group, very timid and vanilla.

"Babe you were the one screaming my name "Omg Riven. Don't stop" she moans.

"I can't tell if you too are about to fight or fuck" Levi says as he sees me and Riven in an intense stare.

Before either of us says any more, someone comes up to our table. It is Finn. Out of all people why did it have to be Finn right now. I have been avoiding him ever since we kissed.

"Hey Collins" Finn says.

"Hey" I reply as I see Riven roll her eyes.

Oh why did he have to be here right now. Things were perfect and we were all laughing. But I brought this on myself, guess I have to pay the consequences.

"So listen I had a fun time in the gym the other day and was thinking-?" he tries to say but doesn't finish. Guess he didn't hear about what happened this morning.

Riven turns my head and pulls me in. She connects our lips together and begins to kiss me right in front of everyone.

This is not a nice innocent kiss like the one we had in the hall. This is a hot make out. Her tongue slips into my mouth and she grabs onto my hair behind the lower part of my head. Wow, does it feel so good.

She pulls away and turns back to face Finn. I am still turned to her in shock of what just happened. It's like she managed to leave me delirious and frozen by her lips. I am speechless.

"Sorry you were going to ask something?" Riven says to Finn.

"Um, yeah I'm just going to go" he says, turning back to his table. They all laugh at what just happened.

"Bro that was amazing!" Levi expresses.

"That was hilarious, but poor Finn" Simon smiles.

"Yeah, that was.." I try to get the words to leave my mouth but it isn't working.

"Damn you left Collins speechless" Saylor laughs. "Can you teach me that?"

"Me too" the guys say in unison.

"Sorry, but that is only for Collins" Riven winks at me. Oh god do I want to do so many things to her right now. It has been too long since I have touched her body, all of her body.

Luckily the bell rang, snapping me out of whatever trance I was in. 

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