Xander's Wedding

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A/N - I loved every second of writing this 😩



It'd taken me a long time to get to where I was today.

I mean that in a lot of different ways, a lot had changed yet stayed the same at the same time.

My lack of sense of direction when it came to what I wanted to do with my life, now I owned three successful restaurants and was looking to expand. My shitshow of a temper, now it took a little more than someone breathing the wrong way to piss me off. My acceptance of myself, now I was getting married and had two kids.

18 year old me would be shocked.

"You're shaking", I practically flinched when a hand landed on my shoulder, "shit, chill out".

"You want me to chill out?", I stared at Caleb incredulously, "I'm getting married tomorrow". He lowered himself onto the sofa, resting his three-year-old daughter Gianna on one of his legs. For most of my life I'd seen Caleb's revolve around three things: us, Theo, and August. But upon meeting his girlfriend Kyra, who was pregnant with Gigi at the time, he'd finally let someone else in; and he'd stepped up to become Gigi's father.

"Fuck yeah you are", he grinned, covering his daughter's ears a little too late.

"Naughty word Daddy", she pouted and Caleb huffed; between the two of us we couldn't keep the language PG with our children.

"Sorry baby", he kissed her head, smoothing a hand over her small braids afterwards, "you ready for bed?".

"Uh uh", she shook her head, "tv!".

"I need to talk to Uncle Xan", he sent me a pointed look and I rolled my eyes, of course he did, "he's got an important day tomorrow".

Understatement of the year.

"With Uncle Jax?", she asked as he stood, propping her on his hip.

"With Uncle Jax", he nodded, "say goodnight".

"Night Uncle Xan", she waved and I smiled, so damn cute.

"Night G", I waved back, watching as they nearly collided with Chase.

"Are you blind?", Caleb muttered, holding a hand on Gigi's head protectively. Chase just gestured to his glasses with a deadpan expression and Gigi chuckled.

"Is Quinn blind too Daddy?", I laughed, loud, watching as Caleb pinched the bridge of his nose and Chase chuckled.

"No, Quinn just needs glasses sometimes to help him see better", he explained, knowing full well my 5 year old son was gonna be wearing them for the rest of his life, "okay, bedtime- you stay put". I saluted him, only turning to Chase when Caleb was out of sight and he'd taken his spot on the sofa.

"Are you here for the intervention too?", I muttered, dropping my face into my hands, "I'm fucking shitting it man". My legs began to bounce as I raked a hand through my hair, then rubbed a hand over the stubble on my chin; was I evil for praying Jax was just as nervous while he was putting the boys to bed?

"It's normal to be nervous", he chuckled, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other, "you think I felt relaxed when I was marrying Rory?".

"You threw up twice", I remembered, "you were more of a mess than Rory was".

"One of the most special days of my life", he sighed, "you get nervous not because you're having second thoughts, but because of the excitement- you're committing to spending the rest of your life with someone".

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