Cole & Xan <3

669 21 16

A/N - I don't know where this came from I literally freestyled the whole thing 😭



Contrary to popular belief, I wasn't some idiotic piece of shit who spent his time provoking people and filling my lungs with smoke.

Okay, well I am all of the above, just not twenty-four-seven.

As much as I radiated a zero-fucks attitude wherever I went, it was somewhat of a façade most of the time...and I liked it that way.

Not a fucking clue why.

I chewed on the end of my pen with a frown, my eyes scanning the same sentence again for the thousandth time; while my teachers had been nothing short of accommodating and given me the reading in an easier-to-read font and size, it wasn't going in tonight. Probably had something to do with the fact it was nearly four in the morning, but who was really checking?

I dropped my pen onto the desk and adjusted my glasses, thick framed pieces of shit that replaced my contacts in the nighttime; the light from the lamp on my desk was making my head hurt, but I wasn't tired.

I was tempted to stick my head out of my window and smoke, but I needed to do this homework..and my Pops was like a fucking smoke detector.

Even in his sleep.

Deciding I needed a break from this shit I pushed away from my desk, rising to my feet and groaning as what felt like almost every bone in my body cracked; I'd beg Dad to give me a massage tomorrow.


After opening my bedroom door, I was met with complete fucking silence- give or take the snoring coming from Quinn's room. The light on the landing was on, and I found myself standing there staring at the photos that covered almost every single wall up here.

Our dads had a bit of an...addiction to taking photos of every aspect of Quinn's and I's lives, and the walls of our house had paid the price- and made the two of us the victim of all the jokes when our cousins came over.

The one of Quinn and I crammed into a tiny-ass paddling pool, probably four and two, the pair of us in swimming trunks and grinning at the camera.

Quinn's third birthday, him on Pops' shoulders with a small party hat on his head and his hand clinging onto a number 3 balloon.

The two of us feeding ducks at the park with Dad, kitted out in raincoats, boots and umbrellas.

I couldn't hide my smile as I relayed my whole life staring at these walls.


With my trip down memory lane over, I slipped outside and into the small house out in the garden, my homework long forgotten and the urge to stay up all night playing video games filling me instead. I could've called Luke to see if he wanted to play too, but the piece of shit was never really awake after three in the morning, claiming he needed his beauty sleep.


A thud in the bathroom made me jump the second I kicked off my shoes, I knew full fucking well that my dads and brother were asleep, so I didn't know who the fuck was out here.

It took me three steps to enter the kitchen area, three seconds to grab a knife from the kitchen drawer, and a further three to decide to burst into the room like I wasn't shitting it on the inside.

"Pops?", I lowered the knife and felt my chest deflate in relief, my eyebrows pulling into a frown, "what the fuck? I thought someone had broken in or-,".

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