Caleb & Gigi <3

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A/N - bit shorter but here we are...

Caleb as a father will never not shock me😭



"Dad! We're gonna be late, come on!", I rolled my eyes, glancing down at Kyra who was buried all the way up to her chin in our duvet, looking exceptionally sick with tissues stuffed up her nostrils and an eye mask on.

"You sure you can't miraculously heal and take her?", I tried and she scoffed, lifting the eye mask and staring at me, "fine, we'll see you later".

I leaned down to kiss her and she shoved my head to the side, well then.

"I'm not getting you sick Cay", she sighed, I just frowned and kissed her anyway.

"I don't give a fuck", I told her, smiling as I moved towards the door, "I love you".

"I love you", she chuckled, "wish G good luck from me again".

Soccer team tryouts.

I couldn't even tell you where our daughter's obsession with the sport had come from, she'd been obsessed with kicking a ball around since she could fucking walk. And now, nearly turning twelve and in middle school, she hadn't stopped talking about trying out for the girls' team since she heard about it.

"You took ages", she sighed, folding her arms as if I was inconveniencing her, "come on, we need to beat Uncle Theo and Ronnie". My best friend and his son were coming along to watch Gigi too, they were just as supportive of my daughter than I was and I loved it.

"We will, Theo drives like a snail", he didn't, but I was trying to put her mind at ease, "come on, let's go".


Pulling up at Gianna's school on a Saturday made my head hurt, I could've easily slept for another hour today but oh well, she came first- she always came first.

"Okay, pep talk", I shut off the engine and turned to the eleven year old beside me, her hair in an afro and face set as if she was ready to kill someone, "try not to break any bones-".

"Dad", she whined and I laughed, shoving her head slightly.

"You know I start every pep talk with that", I rolled my eyes, "okay, go out there and kick ass, if you need to beat someone up I fully support you-".

"Uncle Theo!", she exclaimed, basically flying out of the car and running the short distance towards him- well then.

I grabbed her bag and climbed out too, heading towards them at a much slower pace, ruffling Aaron's blonde hair and patting Theo on the back.

"You'll make the- make the team easily G", he told her with a smile, "she's insane man". I knew that, and I couldn't be prouder when I saw her in her element.

"Do you find out if you make the team today?", Aaron asked Gigi, adjusting his glasses, "I bet you will".

"Thanks Ronnie", she smiled, "and no, we find out in school next week".

"You ready to get in there G?", I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, "nervous?".

"Pft, no", she shook her head, well then.


Half an hour later and all sorts had been going on, I didn't get most of the terminology and activities they were doing, all I knew was that Gigi was the fucking best, anyone with eyes could see that. And she was enjoying herself, which was all that mattered to me- well, until the coach crouched down, said something to her, and she approached us with an unreadable expression on her face.

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