Zane, Xav & Xan

744 38 50

A/N - back again hehe

Kind of upsetting but wholesome chapter tonight❤️



"And would you like some more black coffee with that, sir?", I paused with my fork full of eggs halfway to my mouth, looking at my brother with a deadpan expression.

Alexander filled my mug once more, a smug expression on his face as I chewed slowly; him making me breakfast was the least he could do since he was off school on yet another suspension. I didn't even know which number this was, I'd lost count and the boy was only fifteen.

"You're enjoying this way too much", I shook my head, trying to hide the smirk tugging at my lips. Out of all five of my brothers, Alexander was the one who tested my patience yet had the ability to amuse me at the same time the most.

"It's better than being punished", he lifted a shoulder, jumping up to sit on the counter and pull out his phone.

"I'm not going to punish you for things that are out of your control", I told him, watching him peer over his shoulder to look at me, "although we need to work on the violence". It was his go-to reaction for everything, and while I knew hurting people was his way to release the extreme bouts of anger he experienced, it wouldn't be beneficial in the long run.

Hell, it wasn't beneficial now.

"I love the violence", he sighed as if he was thinking about attacking someone as we spoke, "and what else fucking works?".

"You like to cook?", I lifted a shoulder in a small shrug, sipping my coffee.

"And I'd probably combust if I was trying to cook while pissed off", he shivered, pocketing his phone and jumping down, "and you love my company".

"I do", I confirmed, "but I can enjoy your company after school is over, can I not?".

"You'd be bored without me here", he claimed, shoving his hands into the pocket of his- you guessed it- black hoodie.

"Would I?", I cocked my head to the side slightly, "I believe I'd be sitting here in complete bliss". He looked at me as if to say 'I don't think so' and I chuckled, a small smile tugging at his lips as he opened the fridge, grabbing the orange juice carton and drinking straight from it.

"It's only Tuesday- four day long suspension...long weekend for me", I rolled my eyes at his words, knowing he wouldn't do anything that could be classed as work in that space of time anyway, "we should-". He was cut off by the ringing of my phone, I held up a finger to him and frowned when I saw the high school calling me- I couldn't even escape when he was home.

"Zane Delgado", I answered, the frown still on my face as I made eye contact with Alexander; he was staring with narrowed eyes, I didn't know who out of Chase or Xavier this call could be about, but either outcome had me panicking.

"Mr Delgado, would you be able to make your way to the school?", I closed my eyes with a sigh, it was never ending- and while I didn't mean that as a jab towards my brothers it was exhausting, "we're here with your brother-".

"Which one?", I snapped, not having time for pleasantries when they were involved; both Chase and Xavier were vulnerable- one with his hearing and social anxiety and the other with his ADHD and tendency to become overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

"It's Xavier", that was all I needed to hear before I told them I was on my way, abandoning my breakfast and springing from my seat, I could feel Alexander hot on my tail as I shoved my feet into a pair of dress shoes. It wasn't even half-eleven, Xavier hadn't even made it three hours today, and it broke my heart.

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