2nd Gen Find Out About Santiago...

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A/N - no way did this just turn into the longest thing I've ever written😭😭😭

TW for the entire scene❤️



I'd been dreading this day for years.

As much as I'd put my past, my siblings' past behind me, I knew this conversation had to happen. Especially since I'd received multiple messages from the majority of my siblings over the past few weeks in our group chat, informing me that their children were asking about their grandparents.

Did none of them teach them that curiosity killed the cat?

"You're tense, you need to try and relax", Phoenix rounded the kitchen island and wrapped an arm around my waist, cupping my jaw in his unoccupied hand, "it's gonna be fine, you don't have to dig up anything you don't want to".

"I feel obliged to", I told him, "I'll tell them anything they ask". My husband just nodded, pressing his lips against mine and making me feel somewhat sane for the first time today, nobody had the ability to calm me like he did by just being there.

We were waiting in excruciating anticipation for my siblings to show up with their children, ready to dig up the pain of the past.


When the door knocked ten minutes later I stiffened in Phoenix's arms on the sofa, then frowned because I knew all six of my siblings still had their house keys.

"I'll go", I announced, removing myself from his embrace and heading over to the front door, trying to ignore the tremble in my hands as I pulled it open, "you have a key, do you not?".

"Good afternoon to you too", Chase muttered, waving his hand so Sienna and Silas could enter first, and that was when I caught a glimpse of the plaster cast on my nephew's right arm- again?

"What did you do now?", I asked Silas as he kicked off his shoes, chuckling when he looked at me.

"Fell off my skateboard, no biggie", he shrugged, raking his hand through his blonde hair, "barely even felt it".

"You worry me", I told his and he winked, just as Sienna wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, "not hungover for once?".

"You're hilarious", she muttered, pulling apart and folding her arms, "Dad said this isn't gonna be a fun conversation".

"Your father isn't wrong", was all I said, glancing over the top of her head at Chase who managed a small smile, "go and sit down hm? We're still waiting on everyone else". Sienna nodded, shoving her brother's head and heading into the kitchen with him close behind.

"You shitting it just as much as I am?", Chase stood beside me, folding his arms after adjusting his glasses.

"Probably even more", I sighed, staring at the kitchen doorway, "we knew this day would come, just have to get it over with". My brother hummed, dropping a hand on my shoulder and squeezing slightly.

"Rory sends her best wishes, she's at home with a migraine", he spoke up after a moment of silence, "not like she hasn't heard all of this before, or seen it first hand". He wasn't wrong, to some of our partners none of this was a secret, but to their children? This was due to change their outlook on everything.


"The beach looks fucking sick", my nephew stared at Phoenix's phone screen in awe, "you're taking us with you when?".

"Silas", Chase warned, his sixteen year old son surrendering and handing the phone back, "plus, we just went to Italy".

"Don't. I already miss the cocktails", Sienna sighed wishfully to which I rolled my eyes, "and the guys".

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