Luca & Izzy pt.2

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A/N - was meant to post this last night but fell asleep while writing LMAO

probs gonna do a part three where Xan and Jax talk to Cole...



Yesterday had been somewhat of a shitshow, given the fact that my son had fought his cousin in school for reasons that were a little more serious than a simple fight.

So much so that I was parked outside of my youngest older brother's house at midday, about to have a serious conversation with him and his husband about their son.

"Aunt Izzy", Quinn answered the door, still in his pyjamas with his light brown hair all over the place, "it's early".

"Hey Quinn", I hugged the fifteen year old briefly, "are your dads awake? Where's Cole?".

"Has something happened?", he frowned, stepping aside so I could come in, "is this about Cole's fight with Luke? And yeah, they're all in the kitchen". I smiled at him and followed as he led the way, surely enough my brother, brother-in-law and nephew were all in the room.

Cole was sitting on a stool drinking some kind of protein shake, Xander was frying something at the stove while Jax admired him to his left while eating raspberries; out of all of them, Quinn seemed to be the only one who had just got out of bed.

"Good afternoon", my brother faced me with a sceptical expression, always trying to find the ulterior motive.

"Just about", he snorted, "what brings you here on this shitty day?".

"Xan", Jax rolled his eyes as I glanced at Cole, finding his eyes already on mine, little calculating shit.

"What? Quinn's got food poisoning, he can't keep his fists to himself, and we don't have the house to ourselves", he surrendered and I coughed to hide my laugh, "sue me for being grouchy".

"You're always grouchy", Jax sighed, snaking his arms around my brother's waist and kissing his neck; Quinn rolled his eyes before his eyes widened and he cupped a hand over his mouth, rushing upstairs at record speed.

"Was that the food poisoning or us?", Xander asked, peering at the spot where his son had just been standing.

"I hope it was the former", Jax shrugged, coming over to me and hugging me, "hey Izzy".

"Jax", I grinned, "Cole".

"Mhm", he hummed, avoiding eye contact.

"Absolutely not", Xander turned around, pointing his spatula in the eighteen year old's direction, "you can give attitude to me, your Dad- hell, you can even give it to your brother...don't even think about being rude to your aunt. Apologise".

Well then.

"Sorry Aunt Izzy", Cole uttered quietly, clearing his throat.

"Now that we've got the beautiful introductions out of the way", my brother faced the stove again and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, "what brings my favourite sister here?".

His only sister.

"We need to talk", I glanced at Cole again and he shook his head, seemingly knowing where this was going, "about yesterday".

"I figured", Xan mumbled, "you can plate up you and your brother's food, go check on the poor kid too". He turned off the stove and untied his apron; he made me laugh sometimes without even doing anything.

"I don't get to be there for the conversation?", he asked, eyes wide, "what if she's lying?".

"Thin ice", Xan warned and he shut up.

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