Zane Gets Hurt...

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A/N - my present to you all ❤️❤️ 5k words this book has been REVIVED!!

Sweet but upsetting chapter 🥹



In the nearly four years I'd been living with Zane, I'd witnessed this house turn from the loudest place on earth, filled with seven teenagers and young adults, to the silent place it was today with only Caleb still living under the roof; although he spent more of his time with Theo than he did at home.

And with Zane and I due to be married at the end of summer, in about four months time, life couldn't be better than it was right now.

Wiping the condensation from the bathroom mirror I sighed, securing the towel around my waist before slipping back into our bedroom where Zane was sitting up in bed with one hand in a bag of gummy bears.

"You okay?", I checked, using my second towel to somewhat dry the hair that was dripping past my shoulders.

"Mhm", he nodded, extending the bag towards me to which I shook my head, "just shaky, a little lightheaded". I narrowed my eyes and he rolled his, sue me for being worried about him.

"Tell me if that changes, yeah?", I watched him carefully, scoffing when he saluted me; I knew he knew his health better than anyone else but that didn't stop me from watching him like a hawk whenever his sugar levels were too high or low- he said I was worse than the doctors.

"We're babysitting Iris and Isaac tomorrow", he reminded me, a smile spreading across my face instantly; I loved all of my soon-to-be siblings in law and their children, it only signified to me that family didn't have to be the ones who were related to you by blood.

"Get ready for a sleepless night", I warned him, he laughed and swung his legs over the bed, I squinted at him when it appeared he was gonna get up.

"You say that as if we don't have sleepless nights when we're alone", my eyes widened at his out-of-character reply, he only laughed louder when I threw the towel for my hair at him.

"You're something else", I shook my head with a smile, dropping onto the bed beside him and kissing his temple, "I'll put some clothes on and get you some orange juice".

"Okay doctor", he teased, tossing a few more gummy bears into his mouth, "have you seen my phone? I need to check on Isabella". Izzy was four months pregnant now, and I swear to you- Zane had called her daily, twice daily ever since she'd moved out two weeks ago.

"It's downstairs, I'll grab it in a sec", I told him, "I'm sure she's fine Z, you know Ezra can take care of her".

"And I'd still feel better if she was under this roof", he grumbled, jaw flexing as he chewed harshly, "she's only twenty".

"And she's safe, she's healthy- plus everyone has to grow up at some point", I smiled at him when he nodded, "you say that like she doesn't need you anymore". His lack of a reply made realisation dawn upon me, he really thought that?

"Hey, they all- we all need you, don't ever doubt that", I cupped his jaw and kissed him, "where would any of us be without you?". He smiled at that and I grinned triumphantly, I loved every smile he gave me better than the last.

"How about that orange juice?", he raised an eyebrow, closing his eyes momentarily- right, I was playing doctor.

"I got it", I nodded, quickly throwing on a t-shirt and sweats before doing any body care- I'd do it afterwards, "back in a sec, yeah?".

He nodded, lying back on the bed and letting out a sigh as I slipped out of the room, rushing downstairs and heading straight for the fridge, making sure to slip his phone into my pocket.

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